Chapter Thirty

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Milo knew he had to respect Cedric's wishes and pretend that nothing had changed between them, he had to act like everything was going fine in his head, when it reality he found himself more puzzled than ever before. He wanted to confide in his friends, like Heidi and Max, but it almost felt too close to home and he was sure that they would probably approach Cedric on the subject and that more than likely wouldn't end well. Then came the consideration of talking to his brother, but that wouldn't be very helpful as Harry had plenty of troubles of his own. Over the holiday, as Milo knew, they had completed and taken the Polyjuice Potion in order to spy on Draco in the Slytherin dorms, at least in order to figure out something about the Chamber of Secrets and the Heir of Slytherin.

But once again, Harry had to learn the hard way and so did his friends. Harry and Ron had managed to pose as Crabbe and Goyle, but Hermione, on the other hand, had no such luck of being present. Unfortunately, according to Harry, the hair she had grabbed from Millicent Bulstrode had been of the girl's cat leaving a very big problem to arise. Milo didn't know what the extent would be due to that mistake until he visited the girl in the Hospital Wing and nearly screamed. The girl was a walking two-legged cat, fur and cat eyes to complete the entire look. Of course, the three had to come up with some stupid lie because if Madam Pomfrey had discovered what they had been up to, there would be no telling what punishment would come upon them.

Milo remained quiet on the topic as well, believing Hermione turning into a human sized cat was punishment enough. There was also the fact that Harry had been wrong about his plan as Milo suspected. Draco didn't know anything of the Chamber of Secrets or the Heir of Slytherin and they were left back at square one. Defeat and disappointment seemed to be the running theme through the castle, at least for the Potter brothers, but the problem was that Harry had two friends he could confide in. Milo felt alone with his troubles because he didn't think anyone would understand what was going through his head except for Cedric but he couldn't talk to Cedric about it.

Things did not go back to the way they were supposed to either if anything Milo felt like Cedric was avoiding him. They would talk at dinner, during quidditch meetings, whenever their friends were around them, but there were no more times of hanging out with it just being the two of them.It was definitely taking a toll on Milo as well as he wasn't his usual self. He wasn't rambling on and on about random topics, he wasn't sassing Lockhart in class, he was just going through the motions quietly. 

Whenever someone asked him what was wrong, he simply replied telling them that he was fine, because he had to be. For Cedric's sake, he had to be alright with everything or he was going to make it weird between them. Although it didn't really matter because things were already weird between them. Luckily, there was something to pose a distraction for him as Harry requested that Milo meet up with him, Ron, and Hermione during one evening. Putting the past of what happened before Christmas behind him, Milo readily agreed, hoping that he and Harry could get back on track. 

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