Chapter Forty-One

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Through tears, sweat, and exhaustion, Ron, alone had managed to make a sizeable hole if and when Harry returned with Ginny. He collapsed after giving somewhat of a content nod towards the hole. His eyes burned terribly and he was left in the darkness as the light from Milo's wand dimmed and finally died out. Whether it was supposed to be symbolic or not when it came to the boy's death, Ron didn't really care, the only thing he could do in that moment was remove Milo's body from the rubble fully. At least they would be able to bring back the boy's body when they somehow managed how to get back up the pipe. 

Leaning against Ron, Milo's body was so cold, his skin felt clammy and his stillness brought, even more, tears to Ron's eyes. He wished that Milo would stir or say something, even if it was just random facts about Billywigs or something along the lines. He was just thinking of what to say to Harry the entire time as he allowed Milo's body to rest against his. If there was going to be anything to say, it also depended on Ginny's state because if she came back the same as Milo or didn't come back at all. They were going to be just completely destroyed internally. 

"A-all those t-times I c-called you mental," Ron said to Milo, even though he wouldn't be getting a response. "I-I-I didn't mean it. I swear, I always think it's incredible how you and Hermione can store up so much information without a problem. But I promise, I won't call you mental anymore, I'll listen to every lecture you give, even it's about a troll's toenail clipping. Just please wake up, Milo. Please."

Nothing, not a stir, not a breath, not even a flinch, Milo was completely still and unmoving. 

"You should hear how Harry talks about you back in the dorms and in the common rooms, all he's wanted to do since the beginning of the term is make you proud. Of course, we've both been royally screwing that one up, but he regrets every mean thing he ever said to you. He regrets not spending more time with you, he's just thankful to have you as a brother. Anyone would be, but Milo, you can't leave him like this. Please just give him another chance and wake up."

Through all his pleading, Ron wished his words would reach Milo but he wasn't there to receive any of the messages. In the distance, there was the sound of rumbling and the ceiling shook with the threat of collapsing again. Ron just wrapped his arms around Milo's body and held onto the boy tightly for comfort even though Milo wasn't hugging him in return. 

"It's going to be okay, Milo," Ron said, even though he was no longer trying to convince Milo but himself that everything was going to be okay. "H-Harry is g-going to c-come back and we'll all be okay."

He wished there was more confidence in his words but with every passing second with Milo silent and Lockhart hiding in the shadows, whimpering at the noises in the distance, it didn't seem very likely that there was going to be a happy ending to it all. 

However much time had passed, Ron suddenly heard, even more, noise in the distance, bringing him to wipe his face and look over at the rock wall. Leaving Milo's body propped up, he made his way over to the hole he had managed to make. In the distance, he could catch a glimpse of figures making their way over towards the rock wall.

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