Chapter Forty-Two

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Harry waited and he waited some more for any chance of his brother waking up or even a small gasp of air. He just wanted some sign that Milo was alright because he couldn't bear the thought of losing his brother so suddenly. It was bad enough that the two had lost their parents and had been separated for so long due to no fault of their own. They were finally bonding, learning about each other and welcoming each other into their lives, it couldn't be over just yet. There were so many things that they needed to do together and the chance had been stolen from them so abruptly. Once again, Voldemort had managed to take another person from Harry and just so happened to be more family that he couldn't stand the idea of losing. 

"He's not going to wake up," Harry whispered in the darkness of the tunnel," he's not going to wake up. What have I done?"

Voldemort had once again been trying to get to him and because of that, his family suffered every time.

Fawkes' healing had managed to make Milo look a lot more peaceful in the wake of his death, the bones mended, the wounds and bruising healed. It only looked like Milo was sleeping, just having a nice nap. Ginny had yet to stop crying, Ron wasn't doing much better off, and while Harry was trying to bottle it all up, he simply couldn't. He pulled his brother into another hug, holding onto him as tight as he could as he just allowed himself to cry. Through his tears and choked back sobs, Harry apologised for every mean thing he had ever said to Milo. He expressed his regrets for not spending Christmas with him, instead of thinking snooping on Malfoy had been more important at the time.

He regretted wasting so much time that the two could have shared together. Milo had known the importance of family at the time but Harry had been too stubborn and naive to see what his brother saw. Now Harry was destined to live a life full of thinking of his regrets, wrapped up in the idea of what he should have done and could have done to make things better between him and Milo before his older brother had passed. 

As much as Harry just wanted to hold onto his brother until the end of time and hold onto Milo until Milo was holding him back, he knew they couldn't stay down in the tunnel any longer. But the thought hit him of everyone learning about Milo. Harry nearly crumbled at the thought of Professor McGonagall's reaction upon seeing him. The boy she had raised as her son, the boy who had come to call her mother was dead. Harry didn't want to see her face or her reaction, he didn't want to see anyone's reaction to the news but he had to get his brother out of there. Milo didn't deserve to spend any more time in the dreary place of his death. 

Fawkes positioned itself in front of the group, motioning for them to take hold. Harry turned to the others wondering how they were going to manage so many bodies, including one that could no longer support itself. Seeing as none of the students were strong enough to carry Milo's body even with the help of Fawkes, Harry had to give the task to Lockhart to carry his brother. It seemed like an insult to Milo's name but Harry had to get them out of the tunnel.

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