Chapter Eight

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Milo wasn't sure what to say as he stared at the bottom of the empty tea cup. He had probably gone through about three cups of it while talking to his mother at the kitchen table. He had to keep drinking in order to keep himself from rambling and asking a million questions while his mother spoke. She was doing her best to explain in a way that wouldn't upset Milo, but the truth was bound to hurt in any way that she put it unless she lied. But Minerva refused to lie to her son as he had the right to know events of his life and why things had worked out the way they did. However, she asked that he keep the information to himself and not share it with anyone, not even Harry.

There would be a time where Harry learned more about the family history but for now, it was to remain between just mother and son.

According to Minerva, Remus had been named his godfather when the boy was born as Sirius had been named the godfather of Harry when he was born. Milo didn't know how to process that bit of information, seeing as it was Sirius who had betrayed the family to Voldemort. It was Sirius who had given their location away and led to the murder of his biological parents. To learn that the man responsible for multiple murders and was currently locked up in Azkaban, Milo knew he didn't want to share that with Harry. Harry had enough to deal with when it came to horrible family members, it probably wouldn't be the best to learn about such matters.

But Milo also learned that the woman he had met, was not only an Auror as Hagrid had claimed, she was also his godmother. Whether or not she was made Harry's godmother, it wasn't mentioned, but it certainly made sense to Milo as she claimed that she had been there for his birth. However, Milo was puzzled as to why it wasn't mentioned, after all, she had been right there, she had spoken to him, why didn't she say anything?

He would quickly learn that it just continued to grow more and more complicated when it came to the adults and what had occurred when the boys were just little ones. Minerva told Milo that while Remus did, in fact, care for him greatly, there were circumstances that kept him at bay. He would have liked to have played an active role but he simply couldn't and perhaps Elspeth wanted to as well, but there were circumstances revolving around Remus and other things that kept her from doing so too.

"What is it, Mum? I don't understand," Milo had said to her, just wanting the truth. He didn't care how much it hurt, he just wanted to know. 

It turned out that Milo's Uncle Remus was a werewolf, infected when he was just a little boy, a very unfortunate matter. It had left the man feeling quite insecure about himself throughout the years, however, things had improved greatly when he had gone to Hogwarts. Especially after becoming friends with James, as Minerva told Milo, who was incredibly supportive and kind to his friends.  But during the war, the majority of werewolves had taken to the side of Voldemort, causing tensions to rise and things were incredibly uncomfortable for Remus.

As much as he probably wanted to be there and help with Milo, even Harry, he didn't trust himself and it was something he had struggled with since childhood.It wasn't something that would change overnight and the war had nothing to help. Minerva reassured Milo that it had nothing to do with Harry and being the Boy-Who-Lived. Milo wasn't a lesser Potter but the boy didn't understand that the adults had been through a lot during the war and it had left many scars that were not visible at the surface. 

"Are you happy living under my care, Milo?" Minerva asked him. She had to be sure that the boy was happy, she wanted to make sure that he wasn't looking for another way out, looking for his godparents. They weren't capable of taking care of Milo as of that moment, she had made sure to talk to them when Milo had first come into her care. But if he wasn't happy, she wanted to know so she could do whatever to resolve the issue. 

Milo looked up from his cup and stared at her in confusion. "Of course, Mum, why would you ask that?" 

"I just have to be sure."

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