Chapter Thirteen

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Dear Milo,

I should be the one apologising as our last meeting ended terribly due to my own fault. I shouldn't have left things off like that and I was wrong to do so. It is you who deserves the apology, and I hope you can accept this one as such. For what I said, your father was very much like a brother to me and you were in the right to call me family. You're very much like him in that sense especially when it comes to trying to keep everyone together. I appreciate that and I'm sure you made him extremely proud as he watches over you and your brother. I was chosen to be your godfather for a reason and your father made that very clear to me before his passing. I wish to honour that title in his name and for the sake of you and me. That being said, I am not at a point in my life where seeing each other regularly would be considered a good idea and that is even with Elspeth as my "active Nanny."

However, perhaps, for the time being, we can remain in contact through letters and such. We have plenty to catch up on, so it shouldn't be an issue to think of material to write back and forth. And that, of course, is only if you're up for it. I understand if you wish to leave our last meeting and your last letter as our final time of contact. I will respect your wishes and always I wish you the best. I hope everything has started off well with the new term at school and I wish you luck in all of your classes.


Uncle Remus.

Milo wasn't sure how many times he had read the letter over and over since receiving it from Cedric, he was sure it was in the double-digits by the time he set it down on his nightstand. It had certainly cheered him up for the day, perhaps the rest of the week and month. He didn't care about Lockhart or what Colin Creevey had said to him. His godfather had reached out to him and wanted to remain in contact, that's all that mattered to the boy in those moments. Someone wanted to reach out and talk to him, it wasn't forced, he didn't feel like a burden. 

At least, he hoped he didn't come across as a burden to Remus, he hoped that he hadn't guilted the man into reaching out to him. It wasn't his intentions to do so in his last letter. He truly wanted Remus to reach out to him if it was something the man wanted to do, no pressure added. So he had to hope that Remus read his letter and understood that it was out of his own free will to contact Milo.

It would start off as letters for now, but there was a huge part of Milo that held onto the hope that they would be able to meet up again, face to face and share in conversations. That Harry would be able to join in it as well and they could form a larger family than what Milo had, including his mother, Gwen, Rosmerta, Elspeth, Remus, and of course, Harry.

He was sure that's what his parents would have wanted, not for the people they cared about the most to be separated but to be together and find comfort in one another long after they were gone. However, Remus' letter left one large question on Milo's mind when it came to responding with a letter of his own.

Where should he even start?

Dear Uncle Remus,

I don't think you understand how happy I am to hear from you,  I didn't think you were going to respond to my letter. I wasn't expecting you to, but I'm really glad you did. As for going back and forth with letters, I'm perfectly fine with that. In fact, I would like to receive letters from both you and Elspeth, after all, you two are my godparents and I really don't know that much about either one of you. I'm hoping that can change during our time exchanging letters. Perhaps we can start off with asking one question each in our letters. I'll go first.

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