Chapter Forty-Four

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Paden was resting against Cedric's chest, listening to the sound of the boy's steady heartbeat inside the Hospital Wing where everyone had gathered. Cedric, along with the others, seemed to have fallen asleep during the silent vigil they were holding for Milo. Most of them had passed out from pure exhaustion after crying for hours on end. Paden had attached himself to Cedric after establishing that no warmth was coming from his handler and friend any longer. However, the bowtruckle failed to fall asleep like everyone else. He was wide awake, chirping over and over to express his sadness. His eyes were glued to Milo and the bed that the boy's body was resting on. Several times he would reach one of his long limbs towards Milo but Milo didn't reach back.

He was beyond frustrated because before he fell asleep earlier in the night, Milo had been just fine. Reading, talking to himself as usual if no one was there to listen to him ramble on. It didn't make sense that Milo was gone and Paden definitely wasn't alone in how he was feeling. One more pitiful chirp escaped from Paden before his eyes closed and he nuzzled into Cedric once more. It wasn't the same though, Paden knew the difference as he attempted to fall asleep. But he was going to force himself to rest like everyone else because the next day was probably going to be even worse.

However, as soon as the bowtruckle's eyes closed, he heard the sound of a loud gasp, instantly bringing him to become alert. He was propping himself up on Cedric's chest, searching for the source of the noise as he looked around the wing. Everything appeared to be still but then came the second and even louder gasp of air. Paden proceeded to climb down from Cedric's body and make his way across to reach Milo's bed side. No one seemed to be aware of anything that was happening in that moment.

Paden chirped loudly, hoping to gain someone's attention but it seemed he was alone of the mission to find the noise as he crawled looked up at the bed. It had been perfect timing as he not only heard the third gasp, he witnessed Milo's chest rise and fall.

Never had Paden been so excited as he used the thin white sheet that was resting over Milo to pull himself up to greet the boy. When he reached the top, he was pleased to be greeted with more sounds of Milo breathing as it was becoming more frequent and regular. Finally, Paden's high chirps had caught the attention of someone as Madam Pomfrey stopped what she was doing as she had been working through the night with the petrified victims as they were waking up from the Mandrake juice that was finally ready. 

She turned to look over her shoulder with a confused glance as she placed the items in her hands down on the nearest counter and made her way over.

As soon as the woman caught sight of movement from Milo's bed, she let out her own gasp, although one would probably say it was a mixture of that between a shriek and the inability to breathe at the same time. Milo was moving about, even if he wasn't awake, he was moving as his chest took in each breath. Madam Pomfrey hurried over to where Minerva was propped up in a chair, near her son's bed.

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