Chapter Twenty-Nine

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While Milo enjoyed the rest of his holiday with Cedric, it was obvious that the two boys were doing their best to dance around the subject that they had indeed shared a kiss, whether it was accidental or not. It had happened and neither one of them could just go on forever pretending that it didn't happen, mainly because neither one of them wanted to pretend like it didn't happen. Even though he had only gone in for a kiss on the cheek, Cedric didn't regret the fact that he had been able to feel the sensation of Milo's lips against his. It was a far better feeling than Milo's lips touching his cheek. It was making things clearer in his mind that it wasn't just a strange phase that was passing on through. 

There was something about Milo that maybe he didn't notice before when they had first become friends or maybe it was just something that needed to develop over time. After all, Cedric was older than Milo, meaning things were probably going to happen a lot faster for him than they did with the other boy. But was there something that Milo felt, even if it was something tiny? Was there an ounce of hope there for Cedric? He certainly wished that it would be the case because the idea of nothing happening left Cedric with horrible thoughts. 

But what he didn't know because there was no way of him knowing without Milo saying it out loud, Milo was left with very conflicted feelings since the kiss. He had always developed little crushes when he was younger. The first being Gwen when he was just a little boy and then Katie when he started Hogwarts. Neither one of them were anything serious starting out, but there was something that they had in common, both being females. So for Milo to develop those same feelings and ones even stronger in the pit of his stomach the more time he spent with Cedric, it left him confused.

Milo and Cedric were nothing more than conflicted boys trying to wrap their heads around their feelings and their emotions. They had gone from being incredibly comfortable with one another, perhaps even too comfortable, to not being able to even look each other in the eye for more than a split-second without looking away rapidly with flushed faces. While Milo enjoyed the pleasant sensation the fluttered about in his chest, he didn't like how things were changing between him and Cedric in the awkward sense. 

He wanted to share in the same conversations that the two usually had in the dorms or in between classes. He wanted to talk about quidditch or billywigs or anything without feeling uncomfortable as they couldn't even make the slightest of eye contact. Milo just wanted things to go back to normal but he also didn't want the feelings to fade either, but he wasn't sure if he could have both. And he wouldn't find out if he didn't talk to Cedric about it. 

With Minerva giving the boys the good to go to head back to the castle on their own, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for both of them to talk. However, they had managed to make it halfway towards the grounds and not a word was said between them. Things were not going as Milo had planned as it felt even more awkward than before. Paden, who was resting in the boy's coat pocket even remained silent as he looked back and forth between the two. He didn't understand what was going on with them and it wasn't like he could really ask either.But he could encourage the two to talk by biting Milo's finger.

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