Chapter Twenty-One

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"Um, can one of you explain to me how this is supposed to cheer anyone up?" Milo found himself dressed in some sort of weird fur suit provided by Fred and George. They were currently covered in large boils that they had purposely decorated their skin with using a potion that morning. They claimed they wanted to cheer Ginny up, especially after the attack of her classmate, Colin Creevey, the girl seemed highly distraught. Milo certainly couldn't blame the girl, even he felt quite bad for the boy as Colin's petrified body laid in the Hospital Wing as if he were a dead corpse. Despite the fact that Colin had annoyed Milo during the times they had encountered each other, Milo would never wish harm upon him. 

He couldn't imagine what Colin's parents would think once they received the word, would they even understand? After all, Colin was a muggle-born, one who had been terribly excited about going off to a magical school only to have his experience ruined within a couple of months of attending.

But his parents wouldn't be the only ones worrying as the school entered an entire state of paranoia, many of them purchasing items such as amulets and other things that they considered to be protective devices against whatever was looking in the school and said to be going after muggle-borns in particular. Earlier that day, Milo had found himself passing Neville in the corridor, he had greeted the boy only to have a foul smell enter his nose as he stood close. Along with a rotting newt tail and a purple crystal, Neville had also bought a horribly smelling green onion to avoid being attacked.

Even though Milo had tried to convince the boy that he had nothing to worry about, especially considering he was a pureblood, Neville didn't seem convinced as he held his onion extra close before hurrying back to the Gryffindor Tower. 

Fred and George had some odd ideas before but never as strange as playing odd dress up and hiding behind statues in the school. Milo was the lookout, holding the map in hand and alerting the two whenever Ginny was coming around. Although, Milo's attention had drifted from where he was supposed to be looking out for Ginny, when he saw Harry's, Ron's, and Hermione's name gathered in the first-floor girl's lavatory, much to the boy's annoyance. He was sure he knew what the three were up to especially with the talk of the Polyjuice Potion and he figured that they wouldn't listen to him.

He thought about going to his mother to put an end to it all, but getting Harry and his friends in trouble would certainly cause problems between him and his brother. It was unfair with how much Milo was supposed to keep to himself after Harry confided in him. He wanted to be supportive to his little brother, but it was hard to do so because Harry's ideas always came across as stupid or dangerous. 

"Is she coming?" George whispered to Milo, quickly dragging the boy out of his thoughts. He did a quick scan of the map and nodded his head. Seconds later, the twins jumped out with loud shouts, to be met with a scream, however, it did not belong to Ginny. Milo's quick scan had led him to pick up on the wrong Weasley as the twins had pounced on Percy. Quickly shoving the map into the pocket of his robes, Milo ventured out as Percy was scolding the twins, claiming that he was going to write home to their mother and inform Molly that the twins were giving Ginny nightmares. 

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