Chapter Nineteen

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Milo didn't  remember falling asleep the day before, in fact, he didn't remember much after drinking the draught in the Hospital Wing. But somehow he had managed to make it back to the Hufflepuff dorm, the only problem was, he didn't make it back to his own bed. As he lifted his head from the pillow, he could feel that his entire body had recovered from the bludger hit as he felt good. However, he was really confused until he saw Cedric sitting at the edge of the bed sleeping his shoes on. As he reached up to scratch his head, Cedric glanced over and smiled in his direction.

"Well, good morning, Handsome, about time you woke up," Cedric told him, " I figured you were going to sleep the day away. I told Paden here not to get his hopes up about you being alert anytime soon."

"Paden!" Milo's attention quickly focused in on the bowtruckle realising if he had spent the rest of the day and night in bed that he had neglected his duties as a pet parent.

"Relax, Milo," Cedric said with a chuckle, " Paden is fine. I took care of him while you sleep. I made sure that he was fed and comfortable."

The boy nodded his head in the opposite direction bringing Milo to look over and see Paden resting in his makeshift hammock. The bowtruckle seemed awfully content as it continued to rest despite Milo being awake finally. 

"He's been here since you've been here."

Milo felt his face turn warm as he looked back at Cedric. "H-how long have I been here?"

"Well," Cedric pushed himself up from the bed to stand, " I originally brought you to your bed and I was just going to let you rest there, but you weren't having any part of it from the moment I put you down. You kept trying to get up and considering you almost fell out of bed a half a dozen times, I realised that leaving you alone probably wasn't the best idea. So I brought you in here. The other boys watched over you if I had to leave the room to make sure you didn't wander off and get hurt."

It was getting more and more embarrassing as Cedric went on and by the end, Milo was completely red from his forehead down. Apparently, he had once again, spent the night in Cedric's bed. But Cedric didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"I didn't kick you too much, did you?" He asked quietly. "I'm sorry-"

"You didn't kick me at all," Cedric informed him. "You went to sleep and stayed asleep, Milo."

"Well, I am sorry for the inconvenience-"

"Stop apologising, Milo," Cedric laughed. "Now why don't you go shower and get dressed so we can go to breakfast before heading to the Gryffindor and Slytherin match. Should be an interesting one, so hurry up."

"Will do!" Milo exclaimed hopping up to his feet and running out of the dorm. 

Cedric chuckled to himself as he looked down at Paden, the creature still seemed to be enjoying a nap and he decided to leave him be. He headed towards the common room to find Heidi, but no Max, leaving him nervous as Heidi was off-leash without Max to pull her back in. She quickly noted that he entered the room as she set the book in her hands down and looked over at him with a bright grin.

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