Chapter Twenty-Three

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Rumours often spread very fast within the castle walls and the events from the duelling club proved that theory perfectly as Milo entered the Great Hall the next morning to loads of whispers. The boy thought that he and Cedric had witnessed the exciting part about what would take place under Lockhart's instruction after watching the professor get knocked back on his ass, but that didn't seem to be the case from what Milo heard at the Hufflepuff table. Justin Finch-Fletchley told the harrowing tale of how Harry had egged a snake on him and now the only topic that could be discussed in the school was Harry being a Parseltongue and further confirming that the boy was probably the Heir of Slytherin. Milo had a headache before he could pour himself some juice for the morning, not wanting to hear any drama revolving around his brother.

He was still upset for Harry ditching him to further spy on Draco over the holidays, but he was also feeling conflicted because all he wanted to do was protect his brother and the Potter family name. Common sense would tell most people that Harry couldn't be the Heir of Slytherin, the attack of Colin Creevey happening while Harry was under Madam Pomfrey's watch. But now with the boy having the ability to talk to snakes, Milo wondered why Harry had never disclosed that information before. Milo would have killed to hold such an ability but to most, it was a bad sign. 

Only Dark wizards had been known to carry the ability, not painting Harry in the best lighting with the recent events. Salazar Slytherin was known for the ability, not really known as a dark wizard but definitely known for his prejudice beliefs and views on blood purity. Having the ability to speak with the symbol of the Slytherin household was just looking bad.  Unfortunately, Milo felt as though he was never going to hear the end of it because it seemed it was the only topic that the Hufflepuffs could discuss as they attempted to comfort Justin.

"If he milked it any harder his nipples would shrivel up," Milo growled under his breath as he stabbed a fork into the sausage on his plate. Cedric glanced over at him from where he had been talking to Heidi about the upcoming Christmas plans and saw the scowl on the boy's face. The cautionary alert of an angry kitten flashed before him, bringing Cedric to conceal the grin that was threatening to show on his face.

"Ignore him, Milo. Didn't he get a paper cut last year, I swear he still talks about it as if he had been in a sword fight with Godric Gryffindor and lived to tell the tale," Cedric said making a face in Justin's direction. But as he looked back to Milo, his features softened before he nudged Milo's shoulder in an attempt to cheer him up. However, he was going to have to try harder as the frown didn't leave Milo's face. Some of the girls were walking up to Justin, to claim how brave he was to just stand there as the snake was being "chased towards him." Milo looked about ready to flip the long Hufflepuff table onto its side in rage. 

Suddenly, Milo found it impossible to remain angry as he was tickled from the side. A shrill laugh escaped from him as he tried to get away from Cedric's tickling fingers but Cedric was not going to let him get away so easily. Milo continued laughing and eventually, the discussion of Harry came to an end for a short while as everyone focused on the boy who was trying to get away. Eventually, Milo just fell over the side of the bench trying to escape and landed on the floor. It was only then that Cedric stopped with a triumphant smile clear on his face.

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