Chapter Twenty-Five

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Milo could barely contain his excitement when it came to Christmas Eve because according to his mother, it was the day that Elspeth and Remus were coming over to spend the night and enjoy a nice Christmas the next day. It was something he had been looking forward to since they made the plans on Halloween. With Cedric added to the mix, it was nearly perfect. He would have practically everyone that made up his family but there would be one person missing, of course, and that would be Harry. For the younger Potter's sake, Milo hoped that Harry found what he was looking for and that it all wouldn't go to waste. But for the time being, he was going to focus all his attention and energy into having a delightful Christmas. 

Most days, it was a struggle to get Milo out of bed early, Cedric had learned that from being in the dorms with Milo and from their time spent over the summer. However, during the holidays, it was a completely different story as Milo was the first one again in the cottage, waking up Minerva and Cedric just as the sun was coming up. He was quickly banished from his mother's room as she wished to fall back asleep and she definitely reinforced her statement by pulling out her wand to make sure her door remained closed. 

But that did leave Cedric as his next victim, clear payback for all the times that Cedric didn't let him sleep in during the summer. Nestled in the bed that Minerva provided that was next to Milo's in the boy's room, Cedric was tucked away and sound asleep when Milo returned from being kicked out of his mother's room. It was time for the little kitten to attack and Cedric was the unsuspecting prey at the time. Milo leapt on the bed, crashing right into Cedric and by accident, actually knocking the boy off the side.

Cedric awoke with a startled cry as he hit the floor, quickly looking around in confusion, only to see Milo peering over the side of the bed with wide eyes. "Sorry, Ced, I um...wasn't expecting it to go like that, but while you're awake...good morning."

With a smile, Cedric rubbed at his eyes before pushing himself up to sit up on the bed again. "Morning, what time is it?"

"Currently, there are about ten minutes until it's seven in the morning."

"And you're actually awake right now?" Cedric asked him. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Milo Potter?"

"Yes, yes, very funny," Milo let out a small fake laugh before standing up from the bed. "But it's the day before Christmas and Paden and I have been awake since six o'clock."


"Well, we made homemade hot chocolate!" Milo exclaimed. "With little marshmallows! I made one for my mum but I don't think she's coming out of her room anytime soon. She definitely locked me out."

Seeing how excited Milo was over the Christmas festivities starting, Cedric figured he could pick himself up and make his way to the kitchen to join Milo for some extremely early morning hot chocolate. As promised, there were three mugs set out on the table, all of them filled with hot chocolate and definitely overflowing with marshmallows. Some of the little white squares had spilt out onto the table, but Milo looked incredibly proud of himself. 

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