Chapter Two

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The boys had to wait for the perfect timing to execute their plan to go figure out what was going on with Harry and why he wasn't responding to anyone's letters. It was turning into a rescue mission that would involve all four of them making a trip to Privet Drive during the night, but how? The idea of using broomsticks came to mind, there were plenty as Milo was free to use Bill's old one in the shed. But it was too risky, they risked being seen and it would take ages, they were bound to get caught at some point. Sitting around in the twins' bedroom, the two boys were discussing different plans when Ginny poked her head in to see what they were all discussing.

"Not now, Ginny!" Ron said shooing her off and closing the door in her face, only to have Ginny come back twice as hard and ram the foot of the door into the boy's toe. Ron howled in pain as he hopped around on one foot while gripping the other one. Milo chuckled to himself as Ginny stood in the doorway defiantly with her arms folded over her chest.

"What are you all talking about?"

"Quidditch," Milo informed her, " mainly talking about the upcoming season at Hogwarts. They've been hounding me for hours trying to get me to tell them Hufflepuff tactics, but I can't let my team down. You're better off escaping this nonsense."

Ginny rolled her eyes at her brothers before shaking her head at them and walking away, closing the door behind her as she muttered something about them being "idiots." The twins were all grins at Milo's lie as they turned to him. How many times the boy had struggled and flat out given himself away and now he was lying like a professional.

"So you learned to lie since we last spoke?" Fred asked him with a curious look. "Have you been practicing, Milo?"

"No," he answered truthfully, " I just have a hard time lying to my mother. It makes no sense to lie to her anyway since she can see straight through any lie, even if you don't think so. I think it's become a game of who can come up with a convincing lie and she'll allow them to walk away. Professors have to keep themselves entertained somehow, I guess."

"Can we please get back to the original topic?!" Ron interjected as he placed down his foot and glared down at his swollen toe. "You know, the plan to go see Harry? Ring a bell?"

"Calm down, Ickle Ronniekins, we're going to come up with something. We just need time to think," Fred told him.

"No, we don't," George said with a bright smile on his face as he looked out the bedroom window. The boys followed his gaze to see him looking at the Ford Anglia that Arthur had, leaving little to the imagination. "It's perfect, the Invisibility Booster is built in. Which means we can go undetected by muggles and we can fly it right to Surrey, couldn't we?"

"Yes, but none of us can drive a regular car, let alone a flying one," Milo pointed out, he had certainly never been behind a wheel. 

"It can't be that hard," Fred shrugged, "besides less traffic in the skies, right? We'll be fine!"

The twins, of course, seemed incredibly confident, but judging by their expression, Milo and Ron didn't seem so sure. But Milo was determined to learn what was keeping his brother from writing. Before the boy had stepped onto the train, they had shared a hug and both of them had seemed enthusiastic about spending time over the summer. Ron's story was similar, Harry seemed eager to get away from the Dursleys, so not returning any letters, seemed quite odd. 

Milo just prayed that the plan would work and that they wouldn't get into trouble. He would never figure out a way to explain to his mother what he had been up to in a way that she wouldn't be furious to taking such a risk. It also felt incredibly weird to think that he was going to be traveling to the home of his blood-relatives for the first time.

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