Chapter Ten

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Similar to the year prior, plenty of Milo's friends were surprised to see Milo aboard the train until they learned that he had spent the remaining weeks of summer at Cedric's home. He promised that he would make his rounds around the train once trip started but for the beginning part, he remained in the compartment with Heidi, Cedric, Max and of course, Paden. Cedric was more than thrilled to share with the girls that Milo had made an incredible improvement with his Chaser skills, which meant no more knocking the Keeper through the goals. 

"But Cedric, that was the best part," Heidi told him. "Way to take the fun out of it."

"Heidi, it's technically a foul and besides now you can witness the greatness that is Milo Potter and when we're out on the pitch again, I can rub it all in your faces with an "I-told-you-so." Isn't that right, Milo? Milo?"

The three turned their heads when Milo didn't respond, only to see the boy sound asleep in the corner of the compartment. Paden was curled up in the pocket on the boy's shirt sleeping as well. They had barely been in the compartment for more than seven minutes but it looked as though Milo would be out of commission for quite some time.

"Looks like you about worked him to death, Cedric," Max said, " the poor thing."

"I didn't work him to death," Cedric argued before glancing over at Milo again, " I just don't think he was used to getting up so early in the mornings."

Heidi leaned over Cedric and lifted up Milo's arm, only to let it fall. The boy didn't even budge as he continued sleeping on. "Oh yeah, he's out. Think he might be playing a bit of catch up with all the hours he missed."

"He's the one who wanted to wake up early the past couple of days to go searching for Billywigs!" Cedric claimed in his defence. "He was up at the crack of dawn ready to go outside."

"I thought Billywigs were only native to Australia," Max said bringing Heidi and Cedric to look over at her. "What? Oh, you think I knew that on my own? Please, you're not the first to get the Billywig spiel. I wore sapphire earrings one day in Herbology in first year, never heard the end of Billywigs the entire day from Milo. "

The friends chuckled and allowed Milo to sleep as long as he wanted as they discussed their adventures that had taken place over the summer. Unbeknownst to him and others on the train, Harry and Ron had missed the Hogwarts Express as the barrier had prevented them from going through. Out of desperation of having no one around them, Harry and Ron decided to take Arthur's Ford Anglia and fly it to the school. They could only hope that the adults would be understanding as they couldn't come up with a better way. Harry knew that Dobby had tried to prevent him from attending Hogwarts before, but would the house-elf try to stop Ron as well? It didn't make sense. 

He didn't have his older brother with him to call upon, leaving the two twelve-year-olds with the brilliant idea of taking a magical car and flying it illegally to the school grounds. If Milo and the twins could manage the car then he and Ron would have no problem. 

Or so they thought.

As the Hogwarts Express travelled along, two underage wizards took the Ford Anglia bringing it to fly in the air for plenty of muggles to witness before they started to follow the train. 

At one point during the train ride, Milo woke with a start, his eyes opening almost immediately, causing him to groan as his eyes hadn't adjusted to the amount of light as fast. It brought Cedric, Heidi, and Max to look down at him as he glanced around. In a matter of seconds, he realised that he had been resting against Cedric's arm before he pushed himself up. His hair fell into his eyes before he pushed it back to the best of his abilities.

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