Chapter Twelve

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Milo did not need any further confirmation to determine that Gilderoy Lockhart was the biggest and most pompous arse on the face of the planet, but it seemed Professor Lockhart wanted to make sure that Milo had all the evidence he needed. The man was reckless with how he described his methods of approaching dark creatures, not to mention, he had spent a solid good hour, simply talking about himself. Milo wasn't the only one that was completely turned off by the class in general when it came to be taught by the man, however, the majority of those that didn't like the man were the boys. The girls of the class seemed completely blown away, not focusing on the fact that they weren't learning a thing. 

Although Max seemed to share Milo's irritation as Professor Lockhart opened the floor to questions, but they had nothing to do with Defence Against the Dark Arts. It was as if they were attending a fan club meeting. 

"Well, I certainly hope it doesn't come down to us facing anything to do with the Dark Arts this year," Milo grumbled. "Or we're all doomed. What was Dumbledore thinking when he hired the man? We're not going to learn a thing!"

"Milo, I think that was the whole point, Dumbledore wasn't thinking," Max whispered to him as the two walked along in the corridors.  "I mean, who in their right mind would hire Lockhart? The man is mental. Did you see the look he gave me when I didn't know how many times he shared dinner with the Minister of Magic for his acts of bravery?"

"Acts of bravery!?" Milo scoffed loudly causing several students in passing to jump. "They were not acts of bravery, they were acts of stupidity. He provoked creatures in all of his stories and when he finally managed to escape, he's a self-proclaimed hero. No, those were not acts of bravery. Those were moments of luck that he was able to walk away."

Cedric caught up with the group during the break for lunch and found them all seated at the Hufflepuff table. It seemed all the Hufflepuffs had been given their first dose of Lockhart and none of them seemed to be in a cheery mood. He had suffered through the class before Milo and he could tell instantly that things had probably gone the same way.

"Lockhart?" He questioned before biting into his sandwich. He only needed a look from the two of them to determine that it was the case. "What did he go on about for you guys? How he won Witch Weekly's Most-Charming Smile three times in a row?"

"Five," Milo corrected him. "He won it five times in a row. About bit Gregory Thompson's face off when he answered it wrong in class."

"I thought he was going to take points away from the class when Milo corrected him," Max chuckled bringing Cedric to look over at him. Milo turned slightly pink in the face before staring down at his soup.

"Well, he was wrong," Milo said, " Vampires aren't considered beasts, they are considered Beings, specifically labelled under Living Dead. If he's had as much experience as he claimed with all of his encounters as he said in Voyages with Vampires, he would know that for sure. There are only two classifications under Living Dead, those being Vampires and Zombies-"

"Milo," Cedric placed his hand on top of the boy's head to get the boy to settle down. "It's alright, we believe you. Sounds like you're more qualified to teach the class instead of Lockhart."

"I don't even know why we're covering such things, we should be going over dark creatures but Vampires aren't considered dark creatures at all. In fact, Vampires rarely take part in the Dark Arts. They have their own form of magic and mainly stay within their own forms of covens. If you want an accurate view of vampires, we should be focusing on the writings of Eldred Worple, he's the author of Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires."

Needless to say, as Milo rambled on through his meal, the boy was not fond of Lockhart in the slightest. 

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