Chapter Forty-Three

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The Hospital Wing was quiet with the exception of the sounds of sniffling and the occasional sob that a few couldn't hold in any longer. Milo's body came to rest a few beds down from the petrified victims, a view of what had occurred that year due to the Chamber of Secrets being opened. Minerva had yet to leave her son's side, calling for a few minutes to just sit there with him in silence. The pain was nothing like anything she had felt before, even when it came to suffering from former loss. The loss of the love of her life, her brother, and then the man that she eventually came to marry. The loss of her parents in their old age, everything did not amount to seeing the boy she called her son lying dead before her. She was in pure denial as her hand came to rest over her son's cold forehead.

Going back to the night where Dumbledore had asked her to take Milo in, she remembered how she hesitated but if she could go back in time, she wouldn't have hesitated for a second. All the beautiful memories shared of Milo becoming her official scroll shredder, the first time he called her "Mummy," all his little ramblings in between. She was going to miss everything about Milo and she was going to miss everything about being a mother to the boy. As she touched his hair, Minerva had to bring herself not to let out a loud cry as she thought of all the times where she nagged the boy to keep his hair neat. The way he would tug and pull at the tuft of hair whenever he was anxious or rattled with nerves. 

She wished she could take back those moments, the ones wasted on nagging him for little things and just appreciate those moments of time doing other things. The amount of guilt she felt for not keeping a better eye on him after she vowed to herself and in the name of Lily and James that she would keep Milo safe. She could only hope that Lily and James would find it in their hearts to forgive her, once they welcomed Milo into their arms. 

When the woman looked over at Harry, she noted that he had stopped crying, probably because the boy couldn't cry any longer. His face was full of distraught and despair, the same self-loathing that they were all feeling of not being able to help Milo in time or prevent it all from happening in the first place. The news was only to remain between all of them until the time came for the announcement, but Minerva was sure it was about to make its way through the castle, by morning everyone would know. 

Cedric Diggory surprised her by arriving in the Hospital Wing with Paden a little while later. The boy's eyes were bloodshot red from his own crying and he looked about ready to just fall over in defeat. But he managed to carry Paden over to Milo's body, in order to show the bowtruckle why Milo wouldn't be coming back for him. 

Paden didn't understand right away, believing that Milo was asleep as he launched off of Cedric's shoulder and landed on Milo's chest. He chirped loudly in attempts to wake him up, but as Paden was perched on his owner, something felt completely off. Milo wasn't warm and Milo wasn't waking up to greet him as he usually did, even if it was to tell Paden to go back to sleep so he could get some more rest. Crawling towards his face, Paden attempted to tickle Milo, that usually woke the boy up on the mornings where he was most stubborn. Not even a flinch.  The chirping became more and more frantic as Paden was running out of ways to get Milo to wake up. However, Cedric lifted the bowtruckle into his hands to keep Paden from going any further and it finally dawned on Paden what was going on. 

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