Chapter Six

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With his mother's permission, Milo found himself plenty excited to be in Hagrid's company as the two travelled to Diagon Alley for the day. Hagrid didn't seem to share much in the boy's excitement, not really wishing to see a disappointed Milo when they couldn't find Remus. It had been quite some time since Hagrid had seen the man and he had told Milo several times before they departed that it was not guaranteed that he would actually see his "uncle." Milo didn't seem to care much, giving a simple shrug of his shoulders and tell Hagrid that the trip wouldn't be much of a waste, either way, he enjoyed the atmosphere of Diagon Alley. So while he kept a smile on his face, it calmed Hagrid's nerves somewhat but not fully. 

Paden, on the other hand, could feel Milo quiver with nerves and excitement from where he rested in the boy's hair. Unlike most mornings where Milo had to be physically forced out of his bed, that particular morning the boy had been up nearing the crack of dawn. His mother was certainly surprised, slightly suspicious, but she wrote it off as Milo just trying to enjoy the final weeks of summer before the term began again. He was going into his third year which meant more coursework as he added on his electives to his core subjects. She was curious to see how well he would manage his time and balance out his work. 

Many students struggled with the transition, often so excited for their electives that they neglected the standard core subjects in the beginning. But she had a feeling that Milo would do just fine. 

Minerva advised Milo to stay with Hagrid closely and listen to the man as he ran errands for the school. Milo readily agreed, claiming that he would be on his best behaviour before he left. When he was younger, that would probably have held true, but since the previous year with Milo ending up in all sorts of situations, Minerva wasn't sure what to believe anymore. He had been a model student, looking after his peers and willing to help others, surely that part still held true, very much like his biological mother, Lily. However, it seemed with more time passing that the late James Potter was looking to make an appearance and remind everyone that he was, in fact, the boy's father through and through. 

Following Hagrid through Diagon Alley, Milo kept a sharp eye out for anyone that resembled Remus. Granted, he didn't have an updated photo of the man, only pictures of what the man looked like when he was only a toddler. But he was certain that Remus couldn't have changed that much in appearance since then. It was only a little over a decade's time. But there was no sign of any wizard that remotely resembled Remus, leaving Milo slightly discouraged as he followed Hagrid. 

Hagrid had to pick up all sorts of supplies for the castle grounds for the upcoming term, including a list of things that the professors requested. He seemed more than happy to oblige as he took Milo in and out of shops. Most of the items seemed to be for the Herbology gardens, supplies for the magical creatures course taught by Professor Kettleburn and items for Potions class. Milo had several urges to smash all the Potion items to the ground in spite of Professor Snape but decided against it. He could only imagine his mother's face when she heard that story. 

He was wondering if it would be too much to ask Hagrid to take a detour to Ollivander's so he could say hello to the wandmaker. It had been awhile since the two last spoke but he had always enjoyed the man's company, especially when it came to getting his first wand. He certainly loved the rivalry between him and Gregorovitch as they loved to outsmart one another and explain why their work was the best of the best. 

But before they continued on any longer, Hagrid brought Milo into a pub so the two could grab a drink. Milo was content with having a butterbeer while Hagrid ordered something much larger and smelled a lot stronger. He started to wonder due to Hagrid's size and stature how long it would take for the man to become drunk. 

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