Chapter Sixteen

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Milo approached the woman that was still trying to cover up the fact that she had been crying, hiding behind a smile as she greeted the two.

"Milo and Professor McGonagall," Elspeth said to them, her voice scratchy and as Milo neared her, he could clearly see that her eyes were incredibly red. "What brings you out here?"

It was a foolish question that was left unanswered as they all knew the reasoning behind why they were gathered in front of the memorial that late afternoon. But she seemed to be trying to keep the tone light as she shoved her hands into the pocket of her robes and looked away for a moment. Milo could feel her pain radiating off the woman before he walked over and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. It was a day for all those that had known Lily and James needed comfort. Adults were not exceptions when it came to feeling pain, in most cases, they were just better at hiding it.

"Is Harry with you?" Elspeth started off with a different question after Milo pulled away, but the boy shook his head.

"He had a party to attend as a special guest," Milo informed her, " it's just Mum and me today. Are you here alone today too or is-"

He had been craning his neck to look around and see if Remus was around as well. He looked back up to see Elspeth gave a small nod of her head.

"He's in the cemetery right now," Elspeth said to the boy. "I figured I would give him a few moments to himself. We all go about this in our own way."

Milo could respect that as his mother had yet to say anything to the woman before her except walk over and bring Elspeth into a hug. It seemed to catch the younger woman completely off guard but she hugged Minerva in return before the two of them were teary-eyed again. It left Milo to stand awkwardly off to the side for a moment before he looked over to the cemetery in the distance. With the women occupied, the boy decided to go search for his godfather among the headstones.

He didn't have to travel or search very far as he entered as the cemetery was practically empty with Remus standing off in the distance. He made his way over and the sound of the crunching leaves under his shoes brought Remus to glance over and catch sight of him. For a moment, Remus seemed surprised by his appearance, almost frightened but he remained still until Milo came to stand beside him.

The boy peered down at the headstone where the names of his parents were carved into the white marble. 

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

The message carved beneath their names stood out to Milo the most as he thought about losing them and then thought back to his interaction with the centaurs in the forest that had taken a turn to the discussion of possible death. 

"How does one destroy death?" Milo asked Remus as the two stood side by side. Remus continued to stare at the headstone for a moment before looking over at Milo.

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