Chapter Thirty-Six

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Matters only seemed to be getting worse, despite the fact that students were restricted immensely with curfew and being escorted everywhere in the castle, the school governors didn't believe Dumbledore was doing enough. It was well-known around the castle the day after it happened that Dumbledore had left the schools at the request of the school governors, especially with Draco Malfoy's father seeing that it was done. The school was in a bit of a panic, students were being attacked, Dumbledore was gone, and there was no telling what would happen next. Milo had been bringing Hermione fresh flowers in the Hospital Wing, unsure of what the girl could hear or experience, he thought he could do something nice.

But one afternoon, as he went to visit the Hospital Wing with Ron and Harry, Madam Pomfrey informed them that they were barred from any more visits. They couldn't take any risks and they were fearful that the attacker would come to finish the victims off at any time. With Dumbledore gone, a lot of the professors and faculty seemed restless, Milo's mother seemed one of them. As Deputy Headmistress, it was her duty to step up and make sure that the staff and students were tended to. However, it also meant more often than not that she had to deal with Lockhart alone.

Many of the students were quite upset and worried over the Headmaster's absence with the exception of a handful, one of them especially being Draco Malfoy, who seemed all too pleased. He spoke loudly so that other students could hear that it was his father that had Dumbledore removed and if it wasn't bad enough, he was so far up Professor Snape's arsehole that he had developed a shit-stache, whenever he told the man that he could become the new headmaster. 

However, it seems Milo's speech in the Hufflepuff common room had finally knocked some common sense into his fellow Hufflepuffs as no one suspected that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin, but perhaps Draco was. After all, he was the only one who appeared genuinely cheerful in the corridors. But he wasn't the only cheerful blonde-haired turd that looked all too happy. Lockhart seemed to be in the best of moods whenever Milo saw him. Milo wanted nothing more to push the man down a never-ending hole so that he could disappear forever. 

With Dumbledore and Hagrid off the grounds, the professors just didn't seem happy except for Lockhart prancing about. But with the professors escorting them everywhere and no student allowing to be out of the sight of an adult unless they were in the safety of the common room or dorms, Milo was finding it difficult to get any work of the animagus process done. He couldn't just let anyone see him spending a great deal of time working on one subject, it would raise too much suspicion, especially with his mother. 

So Milo had to work on everything in the dorms and when he saw the twins and Lee in the corridor, he had made sure to pass the word and work along. It seemed like a lot of extra work that he was putting on himself, but it worked for Milo, he needed something to do to keep his mind off the Chamber of Secrets drama. At least, now that he didn't have to worry about Cedric as much.

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