Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Cedric's cheek still felt warm days after where Milo had kissed it, leaving him somewhat permanently flushed in the face. No matter how many times he showered, rubbed his cheek, or tried not to think about how Milo had thanked him, it was clearly stuck in his mind. Mainly because he hadn't been expecting Milo to show his gratitude in such ways, especially after talking to Elspeth in the kitchen while Milo and Remus had been outside. The woman either had a very keen eye or it was growing more and more obvious that Cedric was feeling a certain way towards Milo. Either way, she was quick to call him out on it asking if he and Milo were dating already.

The forwardness of the question had caused Cedric to spill his drink at the table in a flustered panic, but it appeared as confirmation to the woman as she only smiled. No, he and Milo weren't dating, it was something that was not meant to happen, at least that what he kept telling himself to keep those emotions at bay. He was terrified of feeling that way towards Milo, not only was the boy his closest friend, he was just that, a boy. He couldn't imagine what his parents would say if he tried to tell them that he was harbouring feelings for the same sex. To them, Cedric was the picture-perfect son and if he didn't follow the path of "greatness" that they had already established in their minds, what did the future hold for him and his parents?

Elspeth seemed to pick up on his fears of experiencing rejection from his parents and from Milo. Suppose he actually informed Milo how he was feeling and Milo didn't feel the same way. There was certainly a chance of that happening and if it did, things would be ruined between them because it wouldn't just be something they could laugh off. Things would be awkward, the friendship would fall apart, and other people would probably figure it out in the castle. Heidi and Max already had their suspicions, it wouldn't be long before everyone figured it out. 

"Listen," Elspeth had told him, while resting a hand on his shoulder, " as long as you both can see the same sky, breathe the same air, walk the same Earth, then you and Milo are not impossible. Needless to say, it may not be the easiest and it very well may not be the end result of it all, but it's a start. If you go in with the attitude that it's wrong or impossible, only you are holding yourself back. Not to mention, when it comes to the Potters, my dear, they are some of the most oblivious people on the face of the Earth, so once you get past that barrier, you'll be fine."

Did that mean that it was going to be obvious to everyone else before it became obvious to Milo with how Cedric felt towards him?

Cedric wished he had been given the opportunity to talk to Elspeth once more in private after Christmas, but unfortunately, it was completely abrupt that the two had to leave right after the Christmas celebrations. Milo and Minerva didn't seem all that bothered by it as the two adults said their good byes to everyone and departed shortly after.  He would have thought that they would have spent a little extra time after opening presents, Cedric wondered if it had anything to do with emus looking ill. Even though the man smiled, he didn't look the greatest as he sat in front of the Christmas tree. 

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