Chapter Twenty-Seven

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On Christmas morning, surprisingly, Milo was not the first one to wake in the household. It was Remus, who had struggled to sleep much despite the bed Minerva provided for him and Elspeth being mighty comfortable. The woman offered to provide another sleeping arrangement for the two as she had made a miscalculation and had given one of the other spare beds to Cedric. But Elspeth and Remus didn't want to hassle Minerva for anything else. It was nice of her to allow them to stay in her home as they had only planned on staying in the local inn. However, that's not what Milo would have wanted, so everyone happily adjusted to make him happy. 

As Remus awoke, he moved slowly and carefully on the bed, glancing over to see that Elspeth was still asleep on her side. Her back was facing him and the only sign of her being alive was the small rise and fall of he chest as she breathed in and out slowly. She had definitely stolen the majority of the blankets during the night as Remus was left with one, even though he had gone to bed with three. The woman did look comfortable though and if it kept her asleep, he was fine with it as he pushed himself up. 

Making his way quietly through the cottage, Remus decided to head outside for some fresh morning air. He had a rough night of sleep no matter how many times Elspeth had woke him up and tried to comfort him. It was difficult being around Milo in a lot of ways and in more ways than one, he was also glad that Harry wasn't there because it probably would have been a double whammy. Talking about old times in school with Elspeth had left the moments bittersweet. 

There was Milo looking like his father, talking about quidditch at one point, the boy had made Chaser, telling him that Harry had made Seeker. It left Remus overwhelmed with grief knowing that James and Lily weren't there to witness their sons and their success. He felt terrible because it should have been James and Lily in place of him and Elspeth spending Christmas with Milo. Of course, they would have been there celebrating the holidays as well, but they would all be gathered around enjoying themselves. 

The cold air was refreshing in the sense that it was a distraction to his thoughts but it wouldn't last for long as a voice called out to him.


"Yes?" Remus turned around and in his state, he could have sworn it had been one of his brothers calling to him, but he was wrong as he turned around and saw his godson standing there. Immediately, he realised what he had answered to and his heart fluttered into a panic. Although as Milo stood before him, he smiled up at Remus. 

"I knew it!" Milo cried out in victory, nearly jumping up and down in place. "I knew I was right. I figured it out-"

"Milo, what are you-"

"I figured it out, Uncle Remus," Milo said proudly, " My dad was Prongs, you're all makes sense now. I..."

"How did you-"

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