Chapter Seven

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Milo turned back in the direction of the woman named Elspeth and Hagrid, with a look that couldn't even come close to portraying the disappointment he felt after Remus walked out. Millions of thoughts were running through his head and none of them were anything good. Had he heard the man correctly, was Remus, in fact, his godfather? Milo hadn't even made mention of it but Remus had been the one to bring it up, meaning it was on the man's mind. So now his own godfather didn't even want to interact with him? He was just making matters worse in his head as he stood there, staring blankly ahead. It was bad enough that Milo had his own self-doubts about not being a good enough Potter.

He hadn't been chosen for the prophecy like his brother despite being the first born, Dumbledore had gifted Harry with their father's invisibility cloak not even thinking to ask Milo, and Remus had no problem sending in photos for Harry but when it came to Milo, he simply had walked out without another word. How was Milo supposed to feel about all of that? He certainly didn't feel good, his self-esteem taking another harsh impact as all he wanted to do was reach out to the family friend and get his family back to where it was or at least as close as it was possibly going to get. 

Elspeth stood up from her stool, straightening out her robes before slipping her wand up her sleeve. She approached Milo wearing the same smile from before but plenty of sadness in her eyes as she faced him. She lowered herself to his eye level before placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Milo, don't you take what he said to heart," she said to him, " Remus means well, but he's just...incredibly complicated. You caught him at a bad time-"

"He wants nothing to do with me."

"No, sweetheart," Elspeth disagreed with a shake of her head. "He wants everything to do with you and with Harry, but right now, it's just not in the current lineup to spend time together. Soon, though, you'll see. You just have to give it some time."

"But it's been over ten years. Over ten years and he hasn't reached out to me once."

Elspeth didn't seem bothered at all by Milo challenging what she had to say, in a way, Milo hoped that he wasn't coming across as a brat to the woman as she was being kind to him. He had no idea who she was, but Hagrid did and so did Remus. Not to mention, she seemed to know him as well. Was he missing something?

"Like I said, Milo, he's complicated," she chuckled, " but don't be discouraged."

It was a moment before Milo responded as he took in the appearance of the woman. He had already made note of her beauty, the kind smile, and the way that she spoke in such a nice manner to make him feel comfortable. It was like he knew her but he didn't remember ever seeing her before. She wasn't in any of the photos that he had in his possession, nor was she in any of the photos that had been placed in Harry's photo album. 

"Do I know you?" Milo asked her bluntly. He couldn't help himself, if he couldn't get to know his uncle, his possible godfather, at least he could get to know someone that day. It would probably make him feel a little better before he had to return home. 

"Well, you obviously don't remember me, I wouldn't expect you to. The last time we saw each other, you were just a little one. But I can proudly say that I was there the night you were born. Such a quiet baby, everyone thought something was wrong, but instead, you had just gone right to sleep."

Hagrid had yet to say a word the entire time the two were interacting and Milo couldn't help but wonder if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He probably hadn't been expecting any of what had happened and now he was rendered speechless. But so had Milo to hear that the mystery woman had been present for his birth. He suddenly wanted to know everything about her if that was possible in the time he had left in Diagon Alley.

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