Chapter Thirty-Two

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Heidi and Max found Milo in the same spot in the library where they had seen him before, approaching him quietly in attempts not to bring any sort of negative attention their way from Madam Pince. They settled down in front of him but Milo seemed all too focused on the material he was reading to notice them. Finally, Max cleared her throat, causing Milo to jump and slam the book he was reading closed. Once he realised it was his friends, he sighed in relief and offered a sheepish grin.

"Sorry about that, you two scared me, what's going on?"

"We were going to ask you the same thing, Milo," Max said with a slight frown, " you know it's always been the four of us since we started here, and I like to think last year and this year has been the closest that we've all been. Despite...a few hiccups here and there. But Heidi and I have noticed a drastic change between you and Cedric. We're concerned."

Milo attempted to look puzzled by their observations, resting his elbow on the book before him and placing his chin in the palm of his hand. "Drastic? Change? What do you mean?"

"Oh cut it out, Milo," Heidi rolled her eyes. "We're certainly not blind, we can see the difference between you and Cedric now. You two were the closest you've ever been before Christmas and ever since you two got back, it's been nothing but an awkward gathering every time you two are around each other. You won't look at each other, you haven't spoken to each other unless we're around, and you two haven't spent time with each other alone at all. What the hell happened over Christmas?"

"Nothing," Milo said simply. "Nothing happened over Christmas. We both had a wonderful time with my family. We exchanged gifts and that was it."

Heidi narrowed her eyes at Milo, she knew the boy too damn well, knowing very well that Milo could try and get by on a technicality.  "Alright fine, what happened after Christmas in between the time until school started up again?"

The two girls saw it, the brief moment where Milo frowned and then looked down at the table. It was all the body language they needed in that moment to determine that something indeed had happened during the holidays. 

"Milo, we're your best friends!" Max reminded him. "You can tell us anything, you know that."

"There's nothing to tell, Max," Milo said quietly. "Honestly, that's the truth, there is nothing to say to either one of you about it. I only ask that you respect me and respect Cedric enough not to keep pressing matters that don't concern you."

"But they do concern us, Milo," Heidi said, " things have been so weird. We know something is up because the whole group feels off. Are we just support to pretend like nothing is happening? That nothing is wrong?"

Milo looked at his friends before nodding his head. "You get used to it after awhile."

Grabbing his belongings from the table, Milo decided to leave the library before the girls could ask him anymore questions. He understood their concern and it warmed his heart a great deal that his friends cared enough to notice that things were wrong between him and Cedric. But there was nothing they could do because there wasn't anything Milo could do about it either. He supported Cedric's wishes, that was all he could offer at the time and it was up to Cedric of how things would end between them. If it was too hard for Cedric to ignore the feelings when being around Milo, he could respect the fact that Cedric didn't want to spend time with him as much.

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