Chapter Thirty-One

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"Milo, when you told us to meet up for something fun and exciting, I didn't think we were going to come to a book reading party," Fred grumbled as they showed up in the empty Study Hall one afternoon by Milo's request. Fred, George, and Lee had been called upon by the Hufflepuff to show up after Charms one day for, as Milo put it, "something fun and exciting" that he wanted to share with them. When they entered the Study Hall and found Milo sitting patiently with several books stacked in front of him, the twins realised that they were going to have to go over the definition of fun again with him.

"I know, you three aren't big on reading for fun," Milo said inviting them to sit around him, " but once I tell you what I've been reading up on, I have a feeling you might show some interest."

Milo grabbed one of the books and motioned for the boys to settle around him at the table. He flipped through several pages before he landed on the definition of an animagus before placing his finger near the title. 

"This might tickle your fancy, gentlemen," Milo said with a grin. "You want to talk about the most mischievous thing you've ever planned to date, well, here it is."

It was quiet as the twins and Lee read the excerpt for looking up at Milo, the three of them wide-eyed. Suddenly, Fred grabbed Milo by the shoulders and began shaking the boy back and forth.

"Who are you?! And where's the real Milo?! Not that I'm complaining," the shaking came to a sudden halt, " I quite like this Milo. I'm just wondering where the sudden need to do something mischievous and illegal came from. It doesn't seem very huffle-puffly."

Milo giggled before pushing Fred's hands away and lifting the books into his hands.

 "To be honest, my intentions of this project is not to use it for mischief. I actually thought it would be a perfect way to explore nature in the natural setting without creatures and animals becoming alarmed by the presence of a human. The sad fact is most creatures are fearful of humans because of how they've been treated in the past. It leaves it very difficult for people to study them because usually, they are in hiding. But with an ability like's perfect!"

"Go figure," Lee shook his head, " here we all thought Milo was on his way to becoming a bad arse, instead, he wants to use it for educational purposes."

"If I solely intended to use an ability such as this for educational purposes I wouldn't have invited you three here, now would I?" Milo countered. " I could have easily done all of this on my own but I thought this could be something that we do together. Now I can easily continue to work at this on my own if you three are too afraid-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" George placed his hands up. "Who said anything about being afraid?!"

"Your actions speak louder than your words," Milo told him, bringing Fred and Lee to chuckle behind George.

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