Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Without the magic of the Weasley's Ford Anglia, the three boys along with Fang probably would have been as good as dead after another excursion into the Forbidden Forest. It had been quite the sight to witness the number of acromantulas that resided in the forest, however, the fact that they had almost become an evening snack had left the three of them rattled as they headed back to the castle. Sure, they were able to know that Hagrid was innocent, it was not Aragog that was the creature they attacked but a creature they feared. There weren't many natural enemies to a spider that was the size of a small elephant, so Milo was doing his best to go over his previous readings and research to figure it out. But he couldn't solely focus on that as he returned to the Hufflepuff Common Room.

The map allowed him to sneak back and go unnoticed with the exception of Bitsy, who greeted him. He asked her to remain quiet before knocking against the barrel to head back inside. He expected to see a group waiting for him as soon as he walked into the Common Room, one of the people being his mother, but according to the map, the coast was clear. As he entered, the room was silent and he sighed in relief.

However, Milo quickly choked on the sigh as he remembered what he had done to Cedric, it was clearly not going to go over well with the boy. He wasn't sure what had crossed his mind or what had possessed him to temporarily paralyse his friend but Milo was certain that Cedric was going to have plenty to say to him about it. As he made his way into the dorms, he saw that his other dorm mates were sound asleep in their beds, the heavy snoring giving them all away. Cedric was still tuck in the bed and since Milo had covered him with the blanket, the other boys in the room had just assumed that Milo had gone to bed early. It wouldn't be an uncommon thing for him to venture to bed sooner to get more sleep, so it didn't raise any suspicion. 

However, as a light was lit by the bed side, Milo approached where he could hear Paden's soft chirps through the aggressive snoring echoing in the room. He pulled the covers back to reveal the angriest look on Cedric's face that he had ever witnessed. For a few seconds in time, Milo was tempted to place the blanket back over the boy's face and just check back in the morning. But the more he thought about it, that would probably make things much worse between the two of them.

With a frown, Milo removed his wand and undid the curse, giving Cedric his mobility back. He wasn't sure what to expect, perhaps Cedric yelling at him and alerting the whole dorm or Cedric tackling him to the ground to beat the hell out of him for doing such a thing. Either way, Milo was trying to prepare himself physically and mentally. But Cedric didn't do any of those things, he did not yell, he did not tackle or hit Milo, he just glared at him. Milo cowered back with a fretful look and without any words spoken, Cedric left the dorm room. 

There was a panic that surged through Milo's chest as he wasn't sure what Cedric was doing but as he followed him out, it seemed that Cedric was just heading to his own room. When he caught sight of Milo following him, he rounded on the boy with the same angry expression that brought Milo to a sudden halt.

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