Chapter Twenty-Six

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Milo was beyond thrilled that Elspeth and Remus had remained true to their word about showing up for the holidays and if he didn't know any better, his mother appeared delighted as well. Despite Elspeth's obnoxious knocking earlier, Minerva pulled the younger woman into a hug before she did the same for Remus. Cedric was a bit on the awkward side, mainly because he didn't really know the people that had arrived but Elspeth walked over and greeted him with a hug while Remus was a bit more formal in his greeting with a handshake. Milo could have easily spent the entire day of Christmas Eve asking Remus and Elspeth all sorts of questions that had been on his mind since he met them, but he decided that it was the season to be jolly and his questions could certainly wait.

Cedric watched in amusement as Milo played host in the cottage to every, making sure everyone had enough hot chocolate in their mugs, enough food to snack on, and that they were comfortable where they were seated. Eventually, Minerva must have grown tired of watching the boy walk all over the place before she forced him to sit down and relax. After all, Milo had wanted nothing more but to spend time with the two adults and he certainly couldn't do that if he was just waiting on them hand and foot. If they wanted something they were fully capable of asking or getting it themselves. For now, she just wanted Milo to enjoy himself with his company. 

To Cedric, Remus seemed like a kind man, dressed in clothes that made Cedric think of his late-grandfather from where he would spend time with him as a little boy. Although Remus was a lot younger, he looked so tired and the bags under his eyes made it harder to determine the man's age. His hair was a bit disorderly but that was nothing compared to Milo's usual locks throughout the day.  But Remus kept a smile on his face as Milo sat in between him and the woman with a bright smile on his face, talking to them about Paden as he held the bowtruckle in his hand.

The woman named Elspeth was a difficult one to pin for Cedric because he couldn't tell if she held a playful air about her or if was more authoritative. She seemed to hold playfulness and amusement in her gaze as Milo spoke, but Milo had informed Cedric that she was an Auror, which was slightly intimidating. Cedric decided to remain quiet and let the three converse among themselves while Minerva was tending to the cooking inside the home.

"Milo," Elspeth whacked the boy on the arm lightly, interrupting the boy's rambling about ideal bowtruckle temperatures, "why don't you tell us about your good friend here?"

As soon as Milo looked across the way and met Cedric's gaze, the two boys turned red in the face. But Milo obliged with a nod of his head and a small smile. 

"Cedric plays on the Hufflepuff quidditch team with me, he's a Seeker, but he could probably play any position if needed. Don't tell anyone but I think he's a better Keeper than our captain."

"Milo!" Cedric laughed, trying to cover up the fact that he was blushing terribly at the compliment. "I'm an alright Keeper, nothing special."

"Well, you must be something special," Elspeth told him, " otherwise I'm pretty sure Milo wouldn't have noticed. He has those keen Potter eyes and I'm not really talking about eyesight because it seemed they were all cursed with poor eyesight. Well, at least you didn't have to start wearing them too early on, Milo. I've been wearing mine since I was about four years old. Walking into a door frame when my parents finally noticed that I needed them."

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