Chapter Eleven

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Milo sat in the Hufflepuff Common Room in front of the fireplace with a bewildered look on his face as he stared into the fire. Heidi, Cedric, and Max were sitting around him, wondering when Milo was going to actually speak. It didn't take long for the rumour to spread throughout the Great Hall and Milo had learned of his little brother's adventure. Not only were the two not on the train as Milo had suspected earlier, they had taken it upon themselves to take Arthur's Ford Anglia to the school. Flying it and of course, being sighted by several muggles, the story had made its rounds through the castle and into the Daily Prophet, leaving Milo speechless. 

He wasn't sure how to feel about it, considering it had been extremely reckless of them to do something like that when they could have easily waited for Molly and Arthur to return to the car if they had missed the train. Molly and Arthur would have had no problem dropping the two off in Hogsmeade. But the boys clearly didn't think the plan through and for whatever reason, they had missed the train, they decided to get to the school by being dangerous and stupid. 

Luckily, they had arrived in one piece, but Milo had to admit, he was quite furious with Harry for doing such a thing. His mind wandering to the idea of Harry getting hurt, did the boy not learn from his previous year that placing himself into dangerous situations was not a good idea?But not only did the drive the car to the castle, they managed to send it straight into the Whomping Willow. Milo could still hear his mother going off about it after the dinner ended. 

Not to mention, Professor Snape seemed fully set on trying to get Harry into trouble and Milo, for the boy's comment earlier. Luckily, his mother came to his defence and claimed that Milo's anxiety over his brother had gotten the best of him. She apologised on behalf of his behaviour and informed that man that it wouldn't happen again. Although no one could make such a promise. Milo didn't regret a single word that he had uttered to the professor, fed up with how the man treated him and other students. 

Among Milo's friends, Paden was also concerned for the boy, as Milo had hardly eaten anything at dinner once the rumour reached him and it was incredibly rare to see the boy angry. But Harry's and Ron's stupidity wasn't the only thing that added to his anger, seeing Professor Lockhart take over the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts position and sitting next to the other professors, was the final straw. 

"Um, Milo, tomorrow is going to be a long day," Cedric called out to him, attempting to draw Milo out of his angry slump. "Maybe we should all go to bed and get some rest? Sounds good, right?"

He nudged the boy's arm and finally, Milo looked away from the fire, pushing his frames up the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, going to bed sounds good, maybe a shower first or something..."

He picked himself up without another word and made his way to the boy's dorm. Heidi and Max frowned before Cedric sighed.

"I'll stay up a little longer to make sure he's fine," he told the girls before pushing himself up and making his way to the dorms as well. "Good night!"

Milo showered and made his way back to his dorm room, the other boys asleep or reading quietly to themselves as the hour grew later. But he was surprised to see Cedric waiting for him as he sat on the edge of the boy's bed with Paden resting in his hand.

"Is everything alright?" Milo asked as he walked over and sat down beside Cedric. "Is something wrong with Paden?"

"No, not at all," Cedric chuckled," he was just keeping me company while I waited. But the question is if you're alright? We're all pretty worried about you, normally you're always smiling and such, but since dinner, well, you've been pretty angry. I know you're upset with your brother being reckless and I have a feeling Lockhart being the new professor didn't help with that at all. But we wanted to make sure that you're alright."

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