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"if you could read my mind, you'd be in tears

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"if you could read my
mind, you'd be in tears."
don't look at anyone, keep your head down. jimin told himself, brushing past whoever was in his way.

ignore everyones harsh remarks, they aren't true, right?

clinging onto the edge of his books tighter his breath hitched as he tripped over a foot placed out infront of him, his body violently hitting the floor as his books scattered out across the floor, some spilling from his hands whilst overs fell out of his bag.

laughs erupted out of peoples mouths from above him. don't cry, don't cry, you can't cry here.

wiping his eyes against the back of his sleeve he reached out on his knees to grab stray papers and books which he had dropped.

right at that moment, he wished he was dead.

shakily standing up he noticed one of his books on the floor to his right. reaching down to grab it the book was harshly kicked across the hallway, jimins eyes widening once he realised what book it was.

his diary.

gulping he stumbled over to pick up the now slightly tattered book, his hands shaking as he smoothed the cover of it before placing it back in his school bag.

eyes glossed with tears jimins bottom lip trembled, feeling a piece of paper hit the back of his head. hesitantly picking it up he unfolded the crumbled up peice of paper to reveal the words,


"f-fag?" jimin whimpered out, scrunching up the piece of paper tightly in his fists before throwing it to the ground.

feeling a tear roll down his cheek he quickly ran towards one of the bathrooms, silently thanking the heavens that it was empty.

gripping onto one of the sinks he pressed his back against a toilet door, biting his quivering lip to supress his cries.

feeling an oncoming headache he breathed in an out deeply, it's okay, he thought. he wouldn't have to put up with this for much longer.

suicidal | kth + pjm Where stories live. Discover now