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"everything you're running away from is in your head

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"everything you're running away from is in your head."
jimin resonates in the warmth seeping through the thin gaps of the curtains hung loosely across the window, fingers curling in the midsts of the white covers barely covering his tired body.

craning his neck to the side he blinks in his surroundings, the white walls mirroring the aesthetic white bed whilst the furniture seems so plain yet beautiful at the same time.

realisation hits jimin that this clearly isn't his bedroom, and sudden panic shivers deep in his chest until his soft hazy eyes latch onto the now opening bedroom door, tanned hands wrapped around a silver doorknob accompanied by a mess of brown hair making its way into the warmth of the room.

taehyung smiles at the sight, white sheets tangled in between jimins frail legs as a blush soon adorns his features at the dark eyes now swallowing his vulnerable figure.

"hey," taehyungs deep voice breaks the silence, and it causes a shiver to run throughout jimins body. "how are you feeling?"

jimins mouth felt dry, his tongue pressing against the roof of his mouth as he moved over slightly for taehyung to sit down on the bed beside him.

he suddenly feels small besides taehyungs tall figure, a possessive aura practically emitting off his body as his eyes slowly trail down to jimins wrist.

eyes hardening taehyung reached forward slowly, but jimin quickly pulled his arm out of reach, a light gasp of pain leaving his chapped lips as the odd stinging sensation slowly worsened.

jimin could hear taehyung sigh from next to him, tanned hand slowly retreating back into his lap. he felt ashamed, embarrassed he had let taehyung see him like how he was last night.

jimins bottom lip starts to tremble, head hanging shamelessly low as the voice in his head now suddenly awakened – screaming profanities at him and telling him taehyung doesn't really care about you.

"hey, don't cry, it's okay." taehyung mutters, gently moving closer to the now shaking boy to slowly rest jimin between his legs, his nimble fingers soothingly running through thick locks in an attempt to calm him down.

"it's just me, i'm not going to hurt you."

these words fell death upon jimins ears as the tremble in his body deepened, thick tears spilling down his cheeks to drip into the abyss of his collarbones.

taehyung sits with jimin in his lap for what seems like an eternity, but in reality had only been a little under an hour. jimin had stopped shaking, and was now hiccuping lightly against taehyungs clothed chest, seeking comfort and warmth in the others protective embrace.



taehyung took jimins hand in his own, bringing the soft skin to his lips and kissing the top of it. "want to see my art studio? it might make you feel better." taehyung carefully suggested, noticing the way jimins eyes widened ever so slightly.

"i-i'd love to." jimin breathed, leaning forward to face taehyung with a small smile on his lips. scrambling shakily out of taehyungs lap his bare feet touched the hardwood floor, his teeth chattering at the sudden change in temperature as he no longer felt the warmth resonating from taehyungs arms.

"cold baby?" taehyung chuckled, standing up so he was now behind jimin. blushing at the name taehyung had given him jimin nodded meekly, stepping out of the comforts of taehyungs bedroom and into where jimin guesses was the living room.


taehyungs deep voice whispered against jimins nape, hot breath hitting his flustered skin as taehyung grasped jimins fingers with his own, pulling him towards a black door hidden past a hallway.

the floor creaks beneath them as they make their way over to taehyungs art studio, excitement increasing in jimins chest as the sudden doubts from early slowly disappeared – taehyung made him feel safe

"i wish i had an art studio."

jimin sulked, stopping once he noticed taehyung had stopped too in front of the

"well you can come over and use mine whenever you want, i don't mind." taehyung smiles widely, his teeth on display.

jimin felt himself smiling too watching the tanned male smile, the taehyung he had seen at school; seemingly dark, intimidating and arrogant, was a completely different person to who jimin was around now.

opening the door to the art studio jimins eyes widen, his mouth gaping open ever so slightly as the size of the room was much bigger than he had expected.

acrylic paint, spray cans and unused canvases sprawled out in nearly every corner of the room, a persistent smell of passion yet also frustration lingering in the air as his eyes skimmed across finished art works on the wall.

"t-these are amazing!"

jimin exclaimed happily, carefully waking over to a canvas on an easel, and admiring it with such adoration that taehyung can feel his heart melt at the sight of jimin so happy.

"i love it in here, you're amazing at art." jimin smiled, eyes turning into crescents.

taehyung stood still, eyes not leaving the others swift movements as jimins soft fingertips outlined the rough bristles of the used paintbrushes taehyung had forgotten to clean - but that was the least of his worries right now.

"you even ha-"

"stop doing this to yourself," taehyung suddenly spoke, catching jimins wide glances and shaking hands off guard. "you're beautiful."

taehyung whispered, not being able to constrict his thoughts back down his throat. taehyungs wants nothing more than for jimin to feel comfortable around him, to need him, for him to see how beautiful he was.

"why do you hate yourself?"

"because i haven't learnt how to love myself yet."

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