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the warmth between the two bodies caresses each males tanned blushing skin, soft touches and wandering eyes creating a sense of
security and comfort inside of a white room on top of a white bed.

jimins head lays on top of taehyungs bare chest, his heart beat soothing jimins inner anxiety and warming the skin of his rosey cheeks.

they both decided to skip school – to enjoy eachothers company now they were alone, shy eyes glancing down at plush lips and wandering hands gliding across soft skin.

jimin resonates in the way taehyungs hands rest on his waist, the loving kisses he leaves on top of his head and the reassuring whispers which leave jimins body tingling.

last night was filled with small kisses and endless promises, jimins whole body shaking with anxiety after coming back from the park in the soaking rain.

now he was in one of taehyungs shirts, the hem of the shirt meeting the mids of his thighs as it was too large for him – but taehyung thought jimin looked breathtakingly beautiful.

taehyungs thumb gently caresses jimins wrists,
now bandage free as he whispers how perfect he is, taehyungs lips kissing each scar – new and old ones, as jimins bottom lip trembles in shame.

taehyung notices the tears gathering in jimins eyes, his lips leaving jimins skin to gently stroke his thumb underneath his eyes, wiping away the fallen tears.

"jimin." taehyung gently says, his eyes saddening at the thought of shame and embarrassment filling within jimins chest, telling him his wrists were a sign of his own worthlessness.

"it's okay, i'm here, i won't hurt you." taehyung whispers, pulling up the white duvet more and gently shifting jimin so he's sitting on his lap,
ruffled hair making taehyungs heart jump.

jimin couldn't speak much, his voice sore from crying and yelling out his self hatred in taehyungs arms.

he shivers as taehyungs hands place on his hips, pulling him closer to his chest so he can bury his flustered face into the crook of taehyungs neck.

jimin had never showed anyone his wrists apart from taehyung, his scar blemished skin staying hidden beneath jumpers and bandages.

the feeling of taehyungs lips still lingered on his skin, and jimin felt himself blush at the thought of taehyungs lips being so near to his, moulding perfectly with his own.

"not talking baby?"

jimin shook his head against taehyungs neck as taehyung let out a deep chuckle, large hands cupping the skin of jimins cheeks so he can look into his eyes.

"look at me," taehyung spoke against jimins lips, watching as jimins hazy eyes shyly met his gaze.

"you're so beautiful."

taehyungs lips gently kissed the corners of jimins mouth, trailing down his cheek and pressing light kisses along his jaw. jimins lips part at the sudden sensation, a quiet gasp leaving his mouth at the feeling of taehyungs lips against his neck, sucking gently at the skin.

jimins fingers entangle into taehyungs hair,  neck leaning to the side to allow taehyungs lips easier access to his skin as pleasurable shivers shake his body.

taehyung leans back against headboard and breathes out heavily, dark eyes tracing each and every purple mark he left on jimins neck to show everyone jimin was his.

jimin whined at the loss of contact, his cheeks blushing furiously as he noticed taehyungs eyes trailing from his neck to his legs – fingers caressing the underneath of his thighs.

"you're mine."


once again, hoseok was late to class. jimin sat
in his seat as he innocently watched hoseok
make his way over, lips bitten in between his teeth.

"why weren't you and taehyung in school yesterday?" hoseok asks as soon as he sits down, and jimin could tell from hoseoks gaze that the elder had been burning to ask him that question.

jimin gulps thickly, unaware of the eyes now attached to his neck.

hoseok eyes the hickies littering jimins neck, and jealousy soon spreads within his veins, masking his face and creating a bitter taste in his mouth at the thought of another pair of lips ravishing jimins neck.

"w-we were both ill." jimin lies, and he can tell hoseok doesn't believe him.

hoseoks tongue prods the skin of his cheek, turning to face the front of the class as he ignores the now hurt look on jimins face.

"what's wrong?" jimin asks quietly, noticing how hoseoks body stiffens as he moves his chair closer to the other males.

"it's nothing. just leave it."

hoseok sharply replied, his own jealously and sadness getting the better of him as he begins to hate himself for being the cause of jimins slight flinch.

the lesson went by quickly as no words were shared between the two, and before jimin could  open his mouth hoseok was already rushing out of the room as soon as the bell went.

jimin sighs, placing his books in his bag as he sees taehyung walking into his classroom, face frowning as he looks behind him.

"what's wrong with him?" taehyung asks, glancing at jimin only to notice jimins upset features.

"what did he do to you?"

jimins eyes widened at taehyungs sudden tone of voice, quickly shaking his head. "n-nothing. he just seems upset."

jimin partly lied, not thinking telling taehyung how hoseoks eyes were on his neck
for most of the lesson was the best idea.

taehyungs hands wrap around jimins waist as they walk out into the corridor, seeing jeongguk happily skip towards them.

"hey guys." jeongguk smiles, waving at the two males.

about to reply, taehyung and jimin went silent as jimins bullies walked past, taehyungs grip tightening around jimins waist as one of them brushed against jimins shoulder

"fag." one of them coughs.

taehyung growls, stepping in front of jimin as he gently pushed jimin behind him.

"fuck off." jeongguk spits, grabbing the boys collar but only to be held back by taehyung.

"don't. we'll deal with them later."

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