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jimin smiles lightly, his appetite
seemingly non existent as he
sits next to taehyung
at their lunch table.

he hears hoseok mutter something under his breath, making namjoon roll his eyes before taehyung coughs slightly to grab everyone's attention, placing his hand on top of jimins and smiling warmly at him.

clearing his throat, taehyung opens his mouth to speak, "i need to tell you guys something," taehyung pauses, feeling questioning gazes pierce through his skin as he gently places a kiss to jimins forehead.

"me and jimin are dating."

taehyung breathes out, and jimins eyes widen, face blushing red at his words.

the table is silent for a few seconds.

"i told you so." seokjin whispered not so quietly to namjoon, flinching back as jeongguk threw a piece of food at him.

"i'm happy for you guys." jeongguk smiles, now seemingly finished with his food as he rests his head against yoongis shoulder.

jimin can feel taehyungs eyes on him as well as hoseoks, who he can see in the corner of his vision. hoseoks fingers fiddle with the hem of his jumper as he stares down at his lap once his eyes met with jimins.

taehyung lightly squeezes jimins hand before going back to eating his food, and jimin lets himself sink back in his seat as everyone else talks around him.

gulping thickly jimin pushes his food further away from him, smiling to himself as he feels happy that taehyung was not ashamed of him.

"why aren't you eating?" taehyung whispers, hard eyes glancing between jimins untouched food and his flustered face.

"i'm not hungry." jimin said quietly, feeling small under taehyungs concerned gaze as he sits up straight in his chair, eager to change the subject.

"can we go back to yours and finish our art projects? i think they are due in soon." jimin mumbles, not missing the way taehyung sent him a skeptical look before his face softened at the mention of their art.

"of course. my baby's art is amazing." taehyung smiles, nuzzling his nose against jimins as sounds of awe could be heard around the lunch table.

"get a room." jeongguk snickers, picking at his food as he continues to throw bits of it at a distressed looking seokjin.

jimin laughs lightly, not being able to shake off the uneasy feeling which has been imbedded in his chest from as soon as he woke up.

the feeling was accompanied by a sense of dread and sadness, but jimin didn't want to worry taehyung more than he already did.

he didn't deserve to be cared for in the first place.

gulping thickly jimin gently wipes his eyes with the bawls of his fist, a shaky breath leaving his parted lips as he feels the cuts on his wrist begin to sting.


jeongguk yells, and before jimin can move he feels cold liquid spill down his back, drenching his hair and dampening his uniform.

the smell of milk imprints itself onto his skin as the white substance drips down his trembling lips, reminding him of when he was first drenched with milk in the toilets.

his breath hitches, panic rising in his chest as he hears and feels taehyungs fist slam against the table.

"what the fuck do you think you are doing." taehyung shouts, quickly standing up as he violently grabs the bullies collar, slamming him into a nearby wall.

jimins body begins to shake as he feels seokjin cradle his head into his chest, despite the milk soaking his frail body.

he begins to cry, sobbing into seokjins chest as he clutches his uniform shirt. the cold liquid worsens his shaking body, but it reminds jimin of when he first met taehyung.

at this jimins cries louden, he wants taehyung, he needs taehyung.

his body flinches upon hearing the vicious sound of jeongguks yells, fists meeting skin as he feels warm hands cradle the sides of his face.

"baby, sshh," taehyung whispers, wiping the tears mixed with milk away from his cheeks. "you're okay, i won't let them hurt you. i won't let anyone hurt you."

jimin sniffs, his cheeks burning red in embarrassment as he sees in the corner of his eye jeongguk and yoongi dragging away a boy holding an empty milk carton.

"let's get you cleaned up," taehyung says, sadness dripping from each syllable as he feels tears threatening to spill from his own eyes.

he was blinded with anger, his fists clenched against his sides as his chest deepens with sadness, glancing at jimins milk drenched clothes and notted hair.

"t-taehyung." jimin cried, small frame shaking with every step. he buries his head into taehyungs chest, feeling embarrassed at his sudden outburst of tears.

"it's okay baby i'm here, i won't let them near you again," taehyung soothed whilst attempting to text jeongguk on his phone, telling the younger to bring jimins and his art canvases to his house.

"i promise."

jimins cries soon turned into hiccups, shaky breaths leaving his sore lips.

"let's get you back to mine."

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