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the sound of the pharmacy door is the only sound that resonates throughout the pale looking store, filled with prescription bottles and an array of different health care items.

jimin snivels, keeping his eyes trained to the floor as he slowly wanders around the store, down each aisle as his fingers trace the cold surface of each shelf.

his tired eyes latch onto a single bottle, reaching for it weakly before making his way to the front desk.

his eyes sting, blood stained hair falling messily across his forehead as he wordlessly hands the bottle over to a familiar looking boy. the boys eyes widen slightly, and jimin notices that it was the same person that had waved to taehyung at the cafe the other day.

the boy checks the bottle through, frowning slightly. "be careful with this stuff, alright? it's strong."

jimin nods, showing a small smile.


around half an hour later taehyung steps into the pharmacy, eyes cold and tired. he hasn't slept in days and he knows his hair is knotted and sprawled messily on top of his head, but in all honesty taehyung didn't fucking care.

"hey, you okay?" taehyung hears his friend asking from across him. nodding his head taehyung drops his bag in the small back room next to the front desk, dark eyes settling upon the stained floor as he wordlessly kicks the ground with his scuffed shoes.

"oh," he says, turning to face taehyung, "jimin, is it? yeah, he came in not long ago, bought Ambien. he must not be sleeping well."

taehyung's head snaps up, eyes widening as he loses all feeling in his legs.


his hands begin to shake, body trembling uncomfortably as he drops everything he's holding and runs out of the pharmacy.

as soon as taehyung steps through the door he feels the coldness of water drip down his face, and he can't tell whether or not it was his own tears or the oncoming flood of rain making his eyes sting with fear.

he runs, he's running so fast he trips over twice, blood soon littering his scratched palms. the rain soaks his hair, clamping to his forehead and he feels like he can't breathe.

he can't - taehyung lets a shaky sigh rip through his throat as he sees jimins house come into view. he stutters over to the front door, crying out in relief when the door was left slightly open.

taehyung shoves the door open, the loud slam shaking the houses weak walls. his eyes frantically search around jimins house - which was deathly silent.

taehyung feels his heart drop.

"fuck, no, no!" taehyung yells, voice breaking as he runs upstairs, stopping once he reaches the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

his fingers wrap around the bathroom door, a violent tremble shakes his body as he realises it's locked.

taehyung screams jimins name over and over, his hands come up to grip the lengths of his hair harshly as he takes a step back.

his visions blurred, but his foot perfectly kicks the lock of the door until it almost snaps. taehyung lifts his foot repeatedly, kicking the lock until he couldn't feel his foot anymore.

the sound of metal hitting the floor wakes taehyung up from his blinded fear, opening the door to see jimin sitting against the bath.

his breath hitches, jaw trembling as his hands fall limp by his sides, watching jimins pale face and once beautiful shining eyes flutter shut with every passing second.

taehyung quickly moves and grabs jimins cold emotionless body, pulling him into his lap as he picks up the pill bottle laying against jimins leg, eyeing some pills scattered against the floor whilst the pill bottle itself was half empty.

"n-no, no, n-no please-" taehyung cries.

he gulps thickly, tears streaming down his chest as he gently grabs jimins face with his hands.

"b-baby w-why? w-why would y-you do t-this?" taehyung says sadly, cradling jimins body against his chest as silent tears streamed down jimins face.

taehyung couldn't breathe - his whole world lay deathly still in his arms and he cries, he cries as jimin coughs up blood onto his shirt and shakes in his hold.

"y-you need t-to go to the hospital, jimin, p-please-"
taehyung says, wiping away the blood dripping down jimins chin with his hands, ignoring the blood now tainting his fingers.

at this jimin cries, his body now shaking against taehyung's, "n-no, i want to die!" jimin sobs, his eyes searching for the pill bottle but taehyung grabs it before jimin can, quickly pouring the rest of the pills down the toilet.

"n-no, don't!" jimin cries sadly, his head falling back weakly against taehyung's chest. taehyungs tears drop down his cheeks, dropping onto jimins head but he doesn't notice - he can't feel anything, he can't feel the warmth of taehyungs arms pulling his body further against his.

taehyung gently rocks side to side, his arms hugging desperately around jimins stomach whilst pressing soft kisses against jimins hair, squeezing his eyes shut as jimins cries only get louder.

shakily his hands fumble with his phone, calling and screaming down the phone for an ambulance to come quickly, screaming as he felt jimin slowly slip out of his hold.

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