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jimin shifts in his seat as a small
giggle leaves his lips, laughing at the
remark hoseok had just made.

hoseoks smile widens at jimins laugh, his own cheeks blushing red as he watches the younger cover his face with his hands.

ever since hoseok had come back to school, he was seemingly in a better mood. jimin was happy for him.

their conversation was going sweetly, until jimin subconsciously began talking about taehyung.

immediately hoseoks face fell, but he quickly masked his discomfort by showing a tight smile, aura immediately dampening.

jimins face fell, glancing to the side as he softly bites his lip. he can feel hoseoks eyes on him, sadness present in his gaze.

"do you like him?" hoseok suddenly asks, breaking the tense silence.

jimin feels his cheeks burn red, a shy smile making its way onto his flustered face.

"y-yes. a-a lot." jimin stutters, missing the warmth of taehyungs body pressed against his and the soft fingers which caress his skin.

hoseok weakly coughs, hiding his sadness by smiling. "you two look cute together."

jimin blushes even more, not missing how hoseoks eyes are now glancing down at the floor, avoiding jimins stare.

"is there anyone you like?" jimin mumbles.

hoseok sighs, "yeah."


"someone already beat me to them."

jimin sits comfortably on taehyungs
kitchen counter, gently swinging his legs
as he watches taehyung cook.

they both didn't have any afternoon lessons, so taehyung bought jimin hime so he could cook for him. jimin remembers the way taehyungs eyes shone with excitement, and now they're here.

taehyung is singing softly, his voice soothingly deep and it has jimin smiling, his heart beating in his chest as his eyes meet with taehyungs.

"happy baby?" taehyung says, his deep voice sending a noticeable shiver down jimins spine as he shyly nods his head, smooth skin on display which is soon covered by taehyungs hands.

taehyung places himself in between jimins legs, hands slipping beneath jimins shirt to grab his slim waist and pull him towards his own chest.

jimins breath hitches, whimpering slightly as he feels taehyungs lips press light kisses underneath his jawline, teeth grazing his skin as he begins to gently kiss jimins neck.

his fingers soon found there way into taehyungs hair, gripping onto the soft locks which cause taehyung to groan, hands moving to steadily grip the underneaths of jimins thighs.

jimin was in pure bliss, the lips kissing his neck now sucking gently to leave purple and red blemishes along his skin.

wrapping his legs around taehyungs waist he pulled their bodies closer together, letting taehyung know his neediness through the way his hands gently push taehyungs head further into the crook of his neck.

taehyung presses light kisses along jimins jaw, lips ghosting over jimins own and teasing him until he has jimins thighs trembling in want.

jimin shivers feeling taehyung nibble on his bottom lip, eagerly opening his mouth for taehyung to slip his tongue inside. their lips mould together, jimin placing his hands against the back of taehyungs burning neck to pull him forward and deepen the kiss.

taehyung ran his tongue along jimins plush lips, hands gripping jimins thighs as he picks jimin up from the counter. jimin squeaks in surprise, his legs tightening around taehyungs waist as they go into the living room.

taehyungs legs hit the back of the sofa as he sits down, hands now rubbing circles against jimins waist as his finds his lips latching onto jimins neck once again.

gasping, jimin straddles taehyungs lap. legs either side of the boys lap as their chests flush together.

"can i try something?" taehyung says, breathing heavily as his fingers wander to the waistband of jimins sweatpants.

jimin nods his head, hooded eyes focused on taehyungs messy hair and red lips. his thighs burn, body twitching in anticipation as he feels taehyungs fingers against his skin.

pressing light kisses to jimins collar bone taehyungs hands slip underneath jimins sweatpants, hands rough and needy as he teasingly gropes jimins ass.

jimin squeaks at the sudden touch, hips shuddering as he leans against taehyungs touch.

"let me hear you baby." taehyung whispers against jimins bruised neck, hands caressing jimins soft flesh as he pushes his hips forwards to meet jimins.

"look at what you do to me." taehyung growls, grabbing jimins hand with his own and pressing it against his painfully hard bulge in his jeans.

jimins cheeks burn as a soft gasp leaves his lips, hiding his face into the crook of taehyungs neck as soft pants and shameless whimpers surface throughout the room whilst he unintentionally ruts his hips forwards.

"fuck," taehyung curses, hands quickly stopping jimins hips from moving.

"c-could you get off baby, yeah?"

with rosy cheeks jimin leans backwards, flustered shy eyes meeting taehyungs own lust filled ones as he attempts to ignore the burning sensation in his abdomen.

jimin moves off from taehyungs lap, watching as the tanned male ran a large hand through the lengths of his hair.

"i'll be back beautiful, just need to sort something out."

taehyung said whilst making his way to his bathroom, glancing one last time at jimins flustered state before a lopsided smile appeared on his face.

jimin gulped thickly, already missing taehyungs hands against his skin as he once again nods.


someone be my taehyung please

also i'm sorry i dissapeared :( i'll be updating weekly now

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