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jimin shivers, the oversized jumper taehyung dressed him in doing little to protect his small body from the coolness of taehyungs art room. but jimin doesn't mind, as long as he's in his lovers company.

his eyes trail across the many paintings adorning the paint splattered walls and he finds himself getting mesmerised by taehyungs talent and beauty.

his footsteps echo throughout the spacious room, light pitter patter steps signalling his walk to one particular direction of taehyungs art room which for some reason jimin had never paid any mind to.

the large wall was covered in a dust and paint covered sheet, concealing whatever was behind it. jimin snivels, his small hands coming up to wipe at the back of his nose. he thinks he's catching a cold.

shaking his head slightly jimin lifts his arm, the jumper sleeve rolling down due to taehyung being a lot bigger than jimins small and petite frame.

reaching out until his fingertips grazed the tough material of the sheet jimin gasps, looking down to see a pair of large hands gently grab his waist and pull him back against a warm chest.

"what are you doing baby?" taehyung whispers, trailing kisses against jimins neck and the space in between his shoulder.

jimin doesn't say anything, wide eyes turning around to face taehyung as he glances behind him towards the wall, hoping his wandering eyes would speak for himself.

after following jimins gaze taehyung takes it upon himself to smile, gently cupping jimins face and pressing their foreheads together.

"you'll see." is all taehyung says, and it has jimin frowning slightly, a small pout playing his lips.

taehyung chuckles, leaning down to quickly press a light kiss against jimins soft lips. taehyung loves this, he loves feeling jimins body relax against his own, draped in one of his jumpers.

it makes taehyung feel safe.

jimin was his home.

everything was silent, apart from the two boys soft breaths until a loud knock on the door makes jimin flinch slightly.

taehyungs grip on him tightens ever so slightly, leaning back with a slight frown of confusion on his face.

gently taehyung grabs jimins hand, pulling him out of their now shared art room and walking over to the front door.

stepping forwards jimin pulls the door open, eyes widening slightly at the sight of jeongguk and hoseok standing in front of him

jimin takes in each boys appearances, jeongguk himself looked like he hadn't slept at all in the past few days, and his hands were trembling down by his sides.

opening his mouth to speak jimin is cut off when a pair of arms suddenly wrap around his body, jeongguks soft hair tickles his chin and it's at this point he realises jeongguk is crying.

jimins hands raise up ever so slowly, unsure of what to do until he gently rubs jeongguks back, the younger letting out his scared cries between the softness of jimins now wet neck.

"jimin-" jeongguk cries softly, leaning back to wipe his eyes furiously with the back of his hands. hoseok as well looks equally as sad, pulling jeongguk back towards him and gently resting his head on his shoulder.

"i-i was so worried." jeongguk stutters, and it causes jimins heart to drop in his chest at the sight of the younger so torn up.

hoseok looks at jimin sadly, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "i'm so glad you're okay, jimin." hoseok says, quietly yet loud enough for both taehyung and jimin to hear.

taehyung presses up against jimins back, nodding silently towards hoseok before resting his chin on jimins shoulder.

"i-i'm sorry." jimin apologises, his voice sounding weak and pathetic due to his lack of talking the past few days. he coughs, startled when jeongguk lets out another sad cry.

"w-why are you apologising?" jeongguk says, snivelling against hoseoks shoulder.

jimin doesn't say anything, keeping his head hang low. he reaches forwards, taking jeongguks hands into his own before a small smile graces his lips,

"i-i promise i'm okay." jimin reassures, his voice wavering slightly due to his own uncertainty.  taehyung behind him pulls him back against his embrace, not letting jimin out of his hold.

hoseok lets out a small cough, now looking up towards jimin and taehyungs direction.

"if you guys ever need anything," hoseok begins, breathing out heavily. "anything, you know where me and jeongguk are. don't give up."

and hoseok smiles, it's pained, but he smiles for jimin.

taehyung once again nods, pressing a light kiss against jimins forehead. he can feel his lovers body begin to shake against his, and his overprotectiveness gets the better of him.

"thank you, hoseok." taehyung says, and hoseok doesn't reply as he gently nudges jeongguks side, the youngers wide glossy eyes staring up at the two in front of him before waving them good bye.

jimin steps back, allowing taehyung to close the door.

and when they're finally alone, jimin begins to cry.

he sobs, body shaking as thick tears roll down his cheeks. jimins head shakes, body trembling as he lets his harsh cries swallow his breathing.

taehyungs eyes widen, not expecting jimin to burst into sad tears. his hands reach out to gently hold jimins face in between his hands, wiping away the fallen tears underneath his puffy eyes.

"baby, why are you crying? stop, s-stop, please." taehyung whimpers, his own voice cracking at the sound of jimins sad cries.

he hates hearing jimin cry, taehyung will never hate anything more.

jimins eyes sting, his vision blurring as an unattractive amount of dribble covers his chin. he flinches, feeling himself being pulled against a warm clothed chest.

"shh, you're okay. i've got you." taehyung says, gently rocking jimin back and forth which he knows manages to calm jimin down almost always.


"i-i-i'm sorry." jimin cries, body falling weak against taehyungs own. taehyung supports him, wrapping his arms around jimins waist whilst he walks over to the sofa, sitting down with jimin cuddled against his lap.

jimins small fingers clench taehyungs shirt tightly, afraid that if he let go, taehyung would disappear too.

i would just like to say
that i appreciate every single one of you
who commented on my previous chapter
and gave me hope to get through the night
you're all so lovely
and i'm so happy i have such beautiful readers
with such kind souls
even to the people who just read, thank you
for being here

i really don't want this story to come to an end
i've been writing it for so long
but all good things must come to an end

i want to give something to you all

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