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------"stop!" seokjin yells at the youngest of the group, and it has jeongguk standing still in a matter of seconds at the stern tone of the elders voice

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"stop!" seokjin yells at the youngest of the group, and it has jeongguk standing still in a matter of seconds at the stern tone of the elders voice.

despite jimins protests of claiming taehyung and jeongguk had to rest, the two insisted on going to a nearby cafe after school which was a 'weekly thing' hoseok had exclaimed.

taehyungs deep chuckle resonated from beside him, watching as jeongguk repeatedly stepped on the back of seokjins shoes - scuffing them in the process.

managing to smile, jimin glanced to look at the male on his side. apart from his seemingly calm demeanour, his insides were slick with worry. with each step jimin noticed the slight limp taehyung possessed, yet the tanned males large smile and gentle grip around his waist reassured him that he was okay.

walking into the cafe which jimin had heard of before yet had never found the time to go to, he felt himself relaxing at the smell of coffee - rich yet bitter - and the warming atmoshpere accompanied by hoseoks loud laugh.

scurrying timidly over to a booth jimin sat down next to the window, taehyung following after whilst hoseok sat next to him.

jimin glanced out the window, getting lost in his scattered thoughts which were short lived as a slight nudge of someone's foot grabbed his attention. flinching slightly jimin turned his head to see jeongguk sitting opposite, a warm smile on his face.

subconsciously smiling back, jimin noticed namjoon, seokjin and yoongi sitting across from them - yoongis unamused face at having to fit in on the end coming into his vision.

"you alright?" taehyung whispered, resting his soft hand on jimins own.

"i should be asking you that."

jimin sighed, eyes tracing over taehyungs blemished face. "i'm alright, don't worry." taehyung reassured, yet an unreadable emotion swam deep in his eyes, which worried jimin nonetheless with guilt.

"what about jeongguk? is he okay?"

"he's fine." taehyung quickly spoke, his tone cold and almost bitter.

jimin paused, eyes flinching to look once again at taehyungs thinned lips before glancing down at his bandaged wrists.

he can hear taehyung sigh, and soon a large tan hand gently caressed his own in a protective manner.

"your poor wrists," taehyung mutters, sadness dripping from each syllable leaving his mouth. "i'm taking you home as soon as we leave here."

jimins cheeks flush red from the distance between himself and taehyungs body, which was evidently larger compared to his which made jimin feel sensations of warmth and comfort knowing he had someone protecting him.

"they're fine-"

"don't lie." taehyung lowly spoke, gently bringing jimins bandaged wrists to his lips before placing soft kisses atop the fabric, unaware of a pair of eyes burning into his neck.

"hyung, its your turn to order."

at the sound of jeongguks voice taehyung turned to the waitress standing at their booth, "i'll have two ice teas please, one for me and one for jimin." taehyung finishes with a smile, ignoring seokjins coos and jeongguks flirtatious remarks.

"and for you?" the waitress turns to hoseok, whose bottom lip is trapped in between his teeth.

"i don't want anything." he weakly smiles, shaking his hand slightly as the waitress now began to walk away with their orders.

"its not like you to not get anything." yoongi mutters, fiddling with his paper napkin.

"i'm just not hungry." hoseok shrugged, which wasn't exactly a lie. his chest tightened with every look to his left where taehyung and jimin were sat, and he couldn't decipher whether it was jealousy or his own selfishness which was making him feel ill.

the table soon grew quiet until seokjin began making small talk with jimin who was sitting timidly in the corner of the booth, which resulted in everyone sharing their own questions which they had been wanting to ask jimin.

"so, how long have you been blonde?" jeongguk questions, eyeing jimin curiously whilst leaning over the table to dust the fallen hair out of jimins eyes.

"n-not too long ago-"

jimin paused, face becoming hot with embarrassment as taehyungs hand gently began to massage his inner thigh, something which taehyung had a habit of doing a lot.

jeongguk raised an eyebrow in confusion, unaware of what was going underneath the table.

"u-uhm i haven't had it done f-for that long. maybe a m-month now." jimin managed to stutter, his own small hands coming to wrap around taehyungs wrist in an attempt to stop his hand from wandering further.

jimin curses under his breath, glancing to the side to see taehyungs lopsided smirk which contrasted to his stubborn and bitter aura earlier.

he hopes no one can see — but what jimin didn't notice, was hoseoks saddened eyes watching their every move, his eyebrows furrowing in despondency and jealousy.


"where have you been?" jimins mother asks as soon as he walks through the door, only seconds after waving goodbye to taehyung.

he's not in the mood – his entire body aches with each step and he wants nothing more than to be in his own bed.

"i-i've been at a c-cafe." jimin mumbles.

"what? i can't hear you jimin." she exclaims, reaching for the hairband which decorates her wrist to now tie up her hair which jimin guessed must have been an inconvenience.

opening his mouth to speak he abruptly gets cut off, "were you at least studying?" his mother asks, a disappointed look on her face upon seeing jimins bandaged wrists.

jimin doesn't expect her to say anything — his own self hatred which was clearly evident by the way cuts lick his skin each and every week didn't go unnoticed, yet jimin knows she does not care.

"n-no i was with friends. i cant study a-"

"do you realise how your grades are dropping in school right now? i can't be dealing with this on top of everything else!"

jimin feels his heart sink, yet his emotions were soon over flooded with hatred and anger.

"is that all y-you care about? how well i'm doing in school? why don't you c-care about how i'm feeling? or why i come home beaten black and blue each da-"

"oh please jimin, stop talking like-"

"why dont you care about me?" jimin cried, hot tears now dripping down his sunken in cheeks as he slammed the door to the kitchen shut, making his way upstairs before sinking to the floor.


im finally updating again:) im sorry for the long wait

support would be much appreciated <3

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