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————taehyung gently runs his hand along the skin of jimins thighs, his other hand rubbing soothing circles across jimins cheeks — the soft skin being a contrast to his shaken appearance

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taehyung gently runs his hand along the skin of jimins thighs, his other hand rubbing soothing circles across jimins cheeks — the soft skin being a contrast to his shaken appearance.

earlier taehyung had gently cleaned jimins shivering body of milk as soon as they had gotten to his house, wrapping him in a soft fuzzy towel and kissing his scarred skin which jimin needed to be reminded of was beautiful.

letting out a small yawn, jimins body subconsciously presses further against taehyungs shirtless chest as he litters jimins neck with kisses, trailing down to his shoulders.

jimin feels his cheeks warm, flustered figure shivering against the protective confinements of taehyungs legs. he's dressed in his favourite shirt – taehyungs white shirt, which was way too big for him.

but he liked it – it smelt of taehyung, and felt soft against his skin. taehyung had made it obvious that he had liked jimin wearing it as well.

their comforting silence is soon filled occasionally with taehyungs hushed whispers of reassurance, but as a result of today's events, jimin couldn't help but let the bad thoughts come to play in his head.

he feels like a burden, and he always will be a burden

"i'm sorry." jimin whispers, eyes casting down to his thighs. his fingers fiddle in his lap as he feels taehyungs lips press against a particular spot on his neck.

"for what baby?" taehyungs voice is slightly muffled, but jimin can hear him perfectly.

clenching his fingers around the fabric of his shirt he squirms in taehyungs lap, blinking away his tears.

"for being a burden."

jimin says quietly, and for a while it is silent. jimin feels taehyungs lips leave his neck, warm breaths of air hitting his neck as a sudden feeling of dread deepens in his chest at taehyungs lack of response.

his lower lash line stings with unshed tears, a light gasp leaving his lips as taehyungs grip now around his waist tightens protectively. jimin hears taehyung sniffle.

taehyung sighs, his own tears dripping down onto jimins forehead. jimin flinches slightly, but doesn't say anything as he turns to nuzzle his face into taehyungs neck.

"y-you're not a burden," taehyung says, sadness dripping from each syllable as he kisses the top of jimins head.

"i love you."

taehyung says, and jimin returns his words by gently wiping the fallen tears down taehyungs face, leaning up and pressing soft kisses to his cheeks as taehyung smiles sadly.

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