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jimin timidly walks down the corridor to his locker, vulnerability sinking into his skin and washing over his features as he was on his own.

today his legs ache more than usual - his chest deepening with unsettling nerves as he grabs his locker key from his worn out bag.

his bandaged wrists itch uncomfortably, and jimin wants nothing more than to rip them off, but he knows he can't do that because of taehyung.

gulping thickly, jimin pushes back the urge to rip at his bandaged skin, pulling off the protective layer and satisfying his demanding demons.

hair falls lightly into his eyes as he opens his locker, innocent eyes falling upon a piece of paper.

jimin felt his lips tremble, the piece of metal on top of the piece of paper glistening in the light. with shaking hands jimin carefully picked up the razor, opening up the piece of paper which wrote -

"here's something to kill yourself with."

jimins eyes widened, lips trembling and hands shaking violently as tears stung his lower lash line.

his body burned - each word embedding itself into his scarred skin and possessing his thoughts until jimin couldn't take the pain anymore.

a quiet whimper leaves his chapped lips as the voices in his head becoming increasingly louder - "see, i told you it would be better if you weren't here."

"s-stop." jimin whispered, eyes blurred with tears as he picks up the razor and paper, numb legs running out of the school and ignoring the desperate shouts of his name.

the rain hits his shaking body as soon as he steps outside, mixing in with the thick tears trailing down his cheeks which he had begun to hate.

the park he and taehyung had met at ages ago soon came into view, nostalgia flowing through his veins as his chest deepens in sadness.

"jimin stop!"

jimins body flinches at the sound of his name, sad eyes filled with black demons latching onto taehyungs figure as he ran as fast as he could towards the shaking male.

taehyungs arms wrap tightly around jimins soaking figure, loud cries spilling from jimins lips as he voices out his depression and pain.

"w-why are t-they so mean? w-why do people d-do this t-to other people?" jimin hiccuped, his breathing becoming erratic as taehyungs
hands tighten around his figure, his own tears dripping down his already wet cheeks.

"i-i'm s-so scared." jimin cried, his once weak body now thrashing against taehyungs own in a pathetic attempt to get away.


"l-let me go!"

"i can't. i'm not." taehyung spoke through his tears, feeling jimins body weaken against his own as his fingers gently surface jimins cheeks, resting his forehead against his.

jimins scared eyes met with taehyungs whos were focused on his lips, taehyungs lips looking soft in comparison to his own.

leaning into taehyungs warm touch jimins eyes fluttered shut, breath suddenly hitching feeling taehyungs mouth press gently against his own, lips pressing softly together as taehyung dominated the passionate kiss.

jimins mind went silent, his whole body still shaking with anxiety from his own self hatred
but he finds his lips moving against taehyungs own, spreading warmth throughout his body and silencing the devil in his mind.

taehyungs kisses were full of love and care, his fingers moving delicately incase of hurting jimins fragile features, soft lips moulding perfectly with jimins.

pulling away from the kiss taehyung breathes out heavily, his forehead reconnecting with jimins as his own anxiety begins to play within his mind.

"please give me what they gave you."

jimin pulls out the soaking wet piece of paper and razor which was left in his locker, carefully giving it to taehyung with shame and despondency.

"i'll find who gave this to you," taehyung growled angrily, "please don't listen to them."

jimin could only now see the tears dripping down taehyungs face once the rain had stopped, momentarily forgetting about the kiss to focus on taehyungs words.

"i'm sorry." jimin whimpered,
feeling guilty once seeing the tears and bruises still littering taehyungs face.

"don't be baby, it's okay, i'm here."


i'm getting so frustrated i cant write as well as i used to lately and it's frustrating me so much to the point where i feel like crying, it's never good enough and i just wish i could produce a good chapter and write loads like i used to


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