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————jimins eyes flutter shut, the blinding sun highlights his golden blonde hair resting messily across his forehead

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jimins eyes flutter shut, the blinding sun highlights his golden blonde hair resting messily across his forehead.

"wasn't expecting it t-to be this hot or sunny." jimin mumbles, shaking his head slightly before sneezing softly. taehyung chuckles, smiling as he watches jimins cheeks turn a roses shade of red.

taehyungs hand intertwines with jimins own, his other hand carefully brushing the hair out of jimins watering eyes.

"baby, you're so cute."

taehyung coos, leaning forward to press a light kiss against jimins forehead. a small smile graces jimins lips as he looks up at taehyung, eyes shutting upon feeling taehyungs lips on his skin.

"come on beautiful, i want to show you something." taehyung whispers, and all jimin can do is nod before taehyung is walking him across the street,  down a hidden path way which lead them through a forest.

jimin timidly follows taehyung across the stone path, wide eyes taking in his surroundings of green leaves and tall standing trees.

the sun slithers through the gaps of the branches, lightening taehyungs figure and jimin can't help but think at this moment taehyung looked like an angel.

too deep into his own thoughts jimins doesn't realise the two had now both left the small forest, now to be standing amongst fresh grass and wide open fields with a lake not too far in the distance.

jimin feels his mouth fall open slightly, confused as to how he had never been here before despite not living too far away.

"jimin," taehyung says, standing in front of the smaller male and kissing him lightly. "i want you to be my next art project."

jimin stays silent, watching as taehyung brings out one of his cameras he had seen scattered around taehyungs house.

jimin feels himself becoming flustered, dusted pink cheeks deepening at the thought of taehyung taking pictures of him.

"okay." jimin says, smiling once he sees taehyungs face light up. taehyung drops his bag and slings his camera strap over his shoulder, placing his hands around jimins waist before lifting him up.

a surprised gasp leaves jimins lips, legs instinctively wrapping themselves around taehyungs body.

taehyung nuzzles his nose against jimins own, secure hands finding themselves underneath jimins thighs as he walks towards the lake, gently placing jimin down on a soft patch of grass.

taehyung grabs his camera, too distracted with cleaning the lenses to notice jimin removing his school blazer.

jimin tilts his head backwards, resonating in the way the sun kisses his smooth skin and glistens off of the white bandage adorning his wrists, and it's then jimin hears the sound of a camera click.

slender fingers gently grasp the material of the camera, dark eyes latching onto jimins ethereal figure and tracing each and every curve of his body.

jimins eyes widen, turning to face taehyung, "hey! i wasn't ready." jimin mumbles, plush lips forming a small pout as he can hear taehyung chuckle.

"you always look beautiful." taehyung says deeply, voice laced with adoration and love.

jimin looks down shyly, placing a hand above his bandaged wrist. he can't decipher whether or not it was the sun or taehyungs compliments that were painting his cheeks red.

running his fingers through his hair jimin sighs out in peace, closing his eyes and tilting his head up to the sky. he momentarily forgets taehyung is taking photos of him, and soaks in the sound of birds singing.

"come here." taehyung says, leaning back on his elbows and shaking jimin out of his trance. jimin shuffles over to taehyung, sitting in between his legs and leaning back against his chest.

turning the camera to face the both of them taehyung leans down to press a kiss atop of jimins head, pressing down on the camera button once his lips touch jimins soft hair.

jimin presses himself further against taehyungs body, placing his hands over taehyungs own which were holding the camera before pressing down once again.

"you taking pictures now baby?" taehyung chuckles, placing light kisses against jimins neck.

jimin shivers, finding himself unable to speak as taehyungs lips trailed over his body. standing up on shaky legs jimin steps forwards, bending down to pick up a flower before brining it up to his nose.

smiling, taehyung begins to take more photos of jimin from different angles, getting lost in the thought and sight which was jimin himself.

placing the flower behind his ear jimin smiles to himself, once again forgetting taehyung was taking photos of him until he feels a warm clothed chest press against his back, breathing softly by his ear.

jimin suddenly feels shy, turning his head to come face to face with taehyung, who's camera had now been forgotten on the floor.

fingers flutter against the soft skin of jimins waist, turning him around until he is facing taehyungs protective figure.

before jimin can say anything he feels a pair of familiar lips against his own, eyes widening momentarily before shutting upon feeling taehyungs hands gliding over his smooth skin.

taehyung kisses jimin softly, lips moving sensually against jimins own. pressing his body further against jimins taehyung carefully sits down against the grass, not breaking contact with jimin before falling back against the floor.

jimin squeaks slightly at their new position, legs either side of taehyungs waist. the flower falls from behind jimins ear, but neither of the boys care before jimin is leaning down to kiss taehyung deeper.

taehyungs hands make their way underneath jimins shirt, running up his chest and it has jimin gasping against taehyungs lips.

jimin feels taehyungs dominance through the way his lips hungrily kiss his own, tongue slipping though his parted lips and making jimins head spin with pleasure.

placing his fingers against jimins cheek taehyung pulls back, eyes wandering over jimins red and glistening lips. caressing his cheeks taehyungs thumb smooths over jimins skin, smiling as he and jimin both breathe deeply.

"this is fun." jimin says, jolting slightly upon feeling taehyungs hands slip underneath the waist band of his jeans.

taehyung smiles. "i could think of more ways we could have fun."

hi if you're reading this, please follow my twitter i love talking to you all and interacting with my readers @kmtjo 🤍

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