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"how could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?"------

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"how could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?"

pressing his tongue to the skin of his cheek, jimin nervously exited his house.

he wasn't in the mood for walking, yet the time displayed on his watch was enough to tell him he had missed the only bus to take him to school.

cursing under his breath jimin hangs his head low, heavy eyes following the steps of his worn out converse.

jimin likes to think that it's not his fault the worlds seemingly against him, that it's not his fault he's beaten black and blue everyday, but the harsh glares and degrading words he receives from the mouth of the devil himself tell him otherwise.

the familiar stinging sensation layering his bottom lash line makes him blink profusely, nimble fingers dragging themselves down his soft face in an attempt to wake his tired self up.

the walk to his school feels longer for some reason, his eyes resting on the long path ahead of him and he can almost see the dreaded school gates.

suppressing a whimper jimin suddenly stops, his body twitching at the sudden hot air being blown against the nape of his neck. his body shivers under the feeling, a surge of faint pleasure at the warmth spreading throughout his body.

gently shutting his eyes jimin hoped it wasn't someone intending on hurting him, his weak self fearing the worst and he thinks this is going to be the last he can endure of his beatings.

jimins eyes flutter open again as the warm air leaves his neck, he's met with warm brown eyes which melt hearts and plump soft lips which have jimin staring intently.

jimins cheeks dust pink, taehyungs hard gaze bores into his figure and there's an expression on his face that jimin can't read.


taehyung spoke, his deep voice breaking the unusually tense silence.

compared to taehyungs tall, slightly built figure jimin felt tiny, and all together made him despise his body even more. he had never been tall or loaded with muscle, his dainty legs and thin arms bruised easily and his hands possessed an unnatural shake from what jimin guessed was from lack of nutrients.

"you still haven't told me your
name, cutie."

jimins eyes widened at the nickname, his body heating up at the way taehyungs eyes scanned over each and every curve of his body.

"park jimin."

he mumbles, hoping the other heard him.

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