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"behind masks, faces suffer traumas, loneliness and depression

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"behind masks, faces suffer traumas, loneliness and depression."
jimin knew that when he stepped into his house, that luck wasn't coming his way.

kicking off his shoes timidly by the entrance of the door he dropped his backpack to the floor, the sound of two loud voices clearly arguing coming from the kitchen was the only thing jimin could hear in the otherwise quiet house.

he couldn't move, his feet stay frozen on the spot, and it was now he wished he had moved,
because his fathers angry gaze was now directed at him.

standing by the now opened door jimin gulped, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. he had come home late from doing extra art work with taehyung at school, most of the time cleaning up taehyungs water which he had spilt.

"where have you been?" the man spat, taking menacing steps towards the cowering jimin.

"i-i was at school with a f-fri-"

"well you should have told us, jimin!" his mother's distressed voice yelled from the kitchen, her image visibly worn out as a result of obvious arguing.

"i-i'm sorry."

"you should be focusing on your studies, not messing about with a stupid friend of yours,
last time i checked i didn't think you had any."

his dad's words shot through jimins heart like venom, a bitter taste evading his senses as the voices in his head suddenly started doubting taehyungs kindness.

"but i am studying." jimin defended, his chest shaking with every word.

"are you talking back to me?" the angry man questioned, gripping jimins collar with one hand and jerking him forward. the sudden action made jimin squeak, bottom lip trembling in fear as he shook his head profusely.

"look at you, crying. you're pathetic."

the hands which gripped his collar roughly shoved jimins body to the floor, a pained cry leaving his lips as his mother's shocked gasp accompanied the tense silence soon after.

"stop!" she yelled, gripping onto her husbands arm as he continued to spit profanities down at jimins weak and shattered body.

"get out of my sight."

jimin scrambled up to his feet, barely picking up his school bag on the way as his frightened body ran up the stairs, desperate to get into the somewhat comfort of his own room.

hot tears spilled down his cheeks as a muffled sob left his lips, shaking hands clamming over his mouth to silence his cries in fear of being heard.

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