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jimins hands feel warm against the hot ceramic of the mug grasped in between his small fingers as he sits opposite taehyung at a nice cafe taehyung had chosen, the younger talking about something funny jeongguk did before he knew jimin.

taehyung leans across the table, large hands moving to cover jimins own slightly cold ones. he smiles as he talks, watching as jimins face lights up and flushes red until he finishes his story.

feeling shy jimin looks down at his lap, shaking his head slightly so taehyung couldn't see his red cheeks. his smile is genuine, he feels it in the way happiness spreads throughout his lungs and warms his heart.

taehyungs deep chuckle resonates throughout the small cafe, and it's now that jimin lifts up his head to let his wandering eyes swallow taehyungs figure.

his hair is beautifully styled, parted to reveal his forehead. his skin looks considerably darker due to the sun, and jimin thinks he's ethereal.

"see something you like baby?" taehyung teases, pressing his tongue to the skin of his cheek.

jimin blushes, looking down at his lap once again, flustered about getting caught. "i'm just happy."

jimin mumbles, bringing his hot chocolate which taehyung bought him to his lips and taking a small sip.

taehyung smiles widely, his own coffee going cold in front of him but he can't seem to bring himself to care. the only thing that mattered right now was jimin.

reaching forward taehyung takes jimins hand into his own again, squeezing lightly. he's teased jimin about it a lot, but everyday taehyung falls in love with how small jimins hands are in comparison to his.

"i'm happy if you're happy." taehyung smiles, lifting up jimins hand and pressing a kiss to his smooth skin.

gently brushing his fallen hair out of his eyes jimins body tingles when taehyungs lips meet his skin, and without thinking he leans forwards and presses a chaste kiss against taehyungs lips.

it's been around two weeks since jimin came back from the hospital, and taehyung hasn't left his side since.

at first, it had been difficult. jimin had refused to leave taehyungs house, fat tears streamed down his cheeks every day at the thought of going outside. until only a few days ago taehyung had gently  encouraged jimin into coming to a nearby cafe with him, to which jimin reluctantly accepted just to see taehyung smile.

and now they were here, visiting the small cafe for the fifth time this week.

"i want to take you out on a date." taehyung suddenly says, ripping jimin out of his heavy trance. jimins eyes widen slightly, his right leg which was lightly tapping against the floor now ceasing it's continuous movement.

"a d-date?" jimin stutters, his once pale cheeks now reddening even more.

taehyung bites his lip, shamefully rubbing his neck with the back of his hand. before he could speak, jimins small voice spoke up.

"i'd love to." jimin whispers, his heart beating in his chest as taehyung looks up at him with wide eyes, shining underneath the dim cafe lights.

jimin gently lets taehyung pull him against his chest, hearing taehyung mumble something about 'calling him if anything happens.'

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