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————jimin grips his art piece rough as he gulps thickly, eyes darting across the room to see  other art students various canvases of colour show a  great contrast to his own black and white one

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jimin grips his art piece rough as he gulps thickly, eyes darting across the room to see other art students various canvases of colour show a great contrast to his own black and white one.

the feeling of taehyungs soothing hand slither around his waist is what breaks jimin out of his trance, mind filled with hateful thoughts and disgust towards his own art work which was no where near as good as everyone else's.

"hey," taehyung whispers softly, leaning down to close the distance even further between him and jimin. "what are you thinking about baby."

jimins cheeks turn red, blinking furiously in an attempt to stop the tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

jimin feels his throat tighten, shame washing over each of his senses as he attempts to hide his art work even further, yet beneath that shame is the feeling of warmth.

"n-nothing." jimin stutters, cheeks reddening even further to add to his flustered complexion to the close proximity of the two of them.

taehyung doesn't say anything for a little while, tongue prodding the inside of his cheek before he presses a light kiss to jimins forehead.

"come on, let's place our art canvases down at the front." taehyung says, hand intertwining with jimins own as he takes small steps towards the front of the class where everyone was submitting their art works.

jimin nods his head, following taehyung as he ignores everyone's curious stares. reaching the front of the classroom taehyung places his canvas down, and almost immediately the sound of people's words of amazement fill the classroom.

"that's amazing!" someone yells from beside jimin, causing the blonde haired male to flinch at the sudden sound. taehyung smiles tightly, noticing jimins discomfort and gently pulling him away from the person standing too close for comfort to his lover.

jimin presses himself further against taehyungs body, timidly placing his own canvas down besides taehyung as he receives the same sounds of awe as taehyungs did.

"see? yours is amazing." taehyung says, smiling down at jimins wide innocent eyes which were glancing around the classroom.

"come on, let's go." taehyung speaks after a little while. jimin furrows his eyebrows in confusion, not remembering hearing the sound of the piercing school bell.

tightening his grip around jimins hand taehyung grabs jimins bag for him, slinging it around his own shoulder before grabbing his own.

jimin smiles, cheeks turning red as taehyung sends a playful wink in his direction. stepping out of their art class the sound of running footsteps accumulates behind them, and before taehyung can turn around a body slams between his and jimins.

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