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jimins eyes flutter open, his numb fingers attempting to clench softly at the fabric underneath him.

it's dim where he is, there's no sound apart from the slow continuous beep resonating from beside him, and the sound of someone shifting from where his legs lay.

his lips tremble, hazy eyes staring down at taehyungs tired figure slouched over the hospital bed. his eyes are red, and he looks so tired. jimin gulps thickly, his throat sore and scratched and it has him whimpering in pain.

at the sound of jimins pained cries taehyungs head shoots towards him, his hair was notted and a mess sprawled across his forehead, and jimin feels himself wishing he never woke up.

his eyes feel heavy, and he can only imagine taehyungs feel the same.

neither of them say anything, taehyungs whole body shaking against the hospital bed. although he can barely feel his arms, jimin weakly lifts up his hand, reaching out to gently hold taehyungs face.

taehyungs chest shakes, eyes widening as thick tears spill down his cheeks, dripping onto jimins small fingers.

"j-jimin." taehyung cries, sobs shaking through his body as he brings up his own hands to hold jimins smaller ones, littering his smooth skin with trembling kisses.

"o-oh, oh, p-please-"

taehyung sobs, his his head falling down to rest against jimins leg, squeezing jimins hand as if jimin was going to slip out of his hold again and not return.

he's shaking, the youngers body trembles in anxiety and sadness as he mumbles out silent words of despair.

"please d-don't leave m-me," taehyung hiccups, anxiety coursing through his veins. "p-please don't d-do that again, i-i."

jimin watches as the man he loves fall apart from underneath him, and before he realises it there's tears slipping down his sunken in cheeks.

"i-i love you." taehyung stutters, his desperate eyes searching for jimins own and when jimin cups taehyungs face in between his hands and kisses his forehead, the two boys get lost within their shared kisses and silent cries.

"i-i love you too," jimin whispers, his voice hurting so so much, and he can't stop the sad cry that leaves his lips when taehyung nearly collapses onto the side of the bed next to him from exhaustion.

"i-i'm sorry."

jimin shivers, looking at himself in the mirror of taehyungs bathroom.

his eyes are heavy, tiredness present deep in his brown orbs. he blinks, attempting to rid of the sleep in his eyes as he focuses on his reflection in the mirror.

he hates himself.

his arms are littered with bruises from the previous kicks and punches the days before, ugly, purple and blue blotches patch his already scarred skin and he struggles keeping down the bile slithering up his throat.

he bends down, doubling over the toilet as he spits out the contents of his stomach. jimin coughs harshly, his eyes stinging with unshed tears and knuckles turning white with how hard he had gripped the edge of the toilet.

gagging once last time into the toilet, jimin roughly wipes his mouth with some toilet paper. he cries, silent tears streaming down his cheeks as he looks at the blood mixed in the toilet beneath him.

stepping back wards until his skin comes in contact with the cool rim of the bathroom sink, jimin jumps at the loud knock resonating throughout the barely lit room.

looking down at his arms jimin releases a shaky breath, his vision hindering with tears whilst he looks down at his scarred wrists, the urge to rip open the nearly healed scars becomes dangerously heavy and makes his head spin.

"jimin." speaks taehyungs deep voice, breaking jimin out of his hateful thoughts. the door handle shakes violently, but jimin cant bring himself to open it. he doesn't want taehyung to see him like this.

"jimin." taehyung says more sternly, his voice wavering slightly with fear.

jimin stares at the door for a few more seconds until he reaches forwards and unlocks it. almost immediately taehyung pushes it open, eyes shining and face softening at the state of jimins shaken appearance.

he walks towards him, pulling jimin towards his chest and pressing his head into the crook of his neck, leaning down and pressing a kiss against the top of jimins head.

taehyung lets out a shaky breath, hands sliding down to gently grip the underneath of jimins thighs. jimin understands what taehyung wants him to do, and wraps his legs around his waist.

jimin lets out a small sound of surprise, pressing himself further against taehyungs body. taehyung brings jimin over to his bed, pressing small soft kisses trailing from his head to the smooth skin of his neck.

he snivels, eyes stinging and he can feel himself begin to cry again. his lips sting, throat raw from the demons slithering up his throat mere minutes ago.

"shh, y-you're okay." taehyungs whispers, holding jimin against his chest who starts to shake. taehyung bites his bottom lip, laying down on his bed with jimin in his lap.

he rocks jimin back and forth, attempting to soothe his soft cries. taehyungs hands gently lay against jimins waist, pulling him further to his chest as he too soon begins to cry, the overwhelming fear of losing jimin suddenly daunting upon him.

jimins eyes widen slightly, noticing the way taehyungs hold on him tightens and the sound of his sobs echo throughout the room. he feels taehyungs tears drop onto his head, but all he can focus on was the way the touch of his hands seemed to instantly calm taehyungs shaking figure.

jimins small fingers find their way to taehyungs nape, gently running his fingers throughout his hair.

"i-i'm s-sorry," taehyung cried, his face scrunching up in sadness and pain. "i-i'm so s-sorry, baby."

jimin stays silent, his fingers gently rubbing soothing circles on his back as taehyung cries into his neck. "please, p-please don't d-do that again. p-promise me."

jimin leans back, and for a moment fear flashes in taehyungs eyes, as if jimin was going to leave from his hold. "n-no ji-"

"ssh, t-tae. it's okay." jimin whispers, although it's not okay.

he's not okay.

leaning down jimin presses his lips against taehyungs, silencing the boy's shaky breaths.

"j-jimin-" taehyung hiccups.

"i'm here, i'm here. i-i'm right here." jimin says in between pressing open mouthed kisses to taehyungs lips and neck, shutting his eyes as a tear rolls down his cheek.

he doesn't tell taehyung about the blood in the toilet.

taehyung was in pieces beneath him, pressing jimin against him so there was no way jimin could leave, even if he wanted to.

"p-please sleep, tae." jimin mumbles, gently pushing the hair out of taehyungs eyes. they're both tired, shattered, but taehyung doesn't want to sleep.

just incase he wakes up and jimin isn't there anymore.


i'm done
nkt that anyone cares
but i hope my last goodbye on this
earth is soon

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