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jimin can feel it - the oncoming heat spreading throughout his aching head as he begins to breathe heavily.

his head pounds, a headache is not something he needed right now as he was attempting to do his homework.

scrunching his eyes closed shut he leaned back against his head board, fingers clenching around his pen painfully.

his homework - which he'd rather not be
doing - is sprawled out on his lap and on top of his neatly made bed, words which jimin was now unable to comprehend imbedded on the paper.

maybe he deserves this, jimin thinks. his parents and teachers are going to kill him, and he honestly doesn't mind.

the pain in his head worsens, cursing under his breath as his breathing quickens with each passing second.

jimin always got headaches, the stress and degrading thoughts which possessed his thoughts each day built up the worst pain imaginable.

subconsciously his thoughts drift to taehyung, and admittedly all he wants is to be around him. when he's with taehyung he feels a sense of comfort and warmth, something he had become so unfamiliar to the past years.

suddenly jimins phone vibrates on his bed, the bright screen causing jimin to wince as it only worsened his headache, yet a small smile
played his lips as he realised who the text was from.

"i miss you."

jimins cheeks blush rose at the text, his heart beating faster as he begins to imagine taehyung holding him tightly in his protective arms, kissing his forehead whilst he was stressed.

blinking away his thoughts his fingers hovered over his phone screen, but before he could type back taehyung had sent him another message.

"come over."

biting his lip jimin doesn't bother replying, too rushed as he gets up from the comforts of his bed and changes into a plain black shirt and jeans, and despite his headache manages to leave without being noticed by his parents.

only his mum was in, and as jimin sneaked down the stairs she was no where in sight which jimin was very thankful for.

he hasn't spoken to her after their fight yesterday, and once again the outcome was tears spilling down jimins cheeks as he contemplates whether or not he should even be here.

shaking his head but regretting it immediately, he walks to taehyungs house, enjoying the coldness of the air as it manages to cool down his burning hot forehead.

his legs shake ever so slightly in anticipation, although he had seen taehyung only a few days ago, jimin didn't want to admit how he missed taehyungs touches - sweet and soft, yet with a hint of possessiveness.

as taehyungs house comes into view jimin feels his chest flutter, running his tongue over his bitten lips as he now knocks on taehyungs front door.

taehyungs face comes into jimins view as he opens the door, equally tired eyes staring into jimins own yet a warm smile paints his handsome features.

jimin smiles back shyly, glancing down towards the floor yet he could still feel taehyungs eyes linger on his body.

"come here."

taehyung says, opening the door wider so jimin can enter. as jimin enters taehyung wraps an arm around his waist, pulling jimin towards his body in a warm hug.

jimins eyes flutter shut as his face presses into the soft skin of taehyungs neck, but as he pulled back his eyes skimmed over taehyungs features. he still had a bruise underneath his eye, and jimin hated himself knowing he was one of the reasons why he had it.

"how have you been feeling?" taehyungs deep voice whispers into his ear, sending a shiver to run down jimins spine.

jimin pauses, not wanting to meet taehyungs eyes as he feels too much guilt. he knows taehyung was only protecting him, but if he himself wasn't so pathetic and weak, taehyung and jeongguk would have never gotten hurt in the first place.

"i-i'm okay." jimin stutters, checks becoming redder as taehyung coos at him, pressing his soft lips to the top of jimins nose before kissing his forehead.

jimins body melts into taehyungs touches and kisses, making him feel comfortable yet confused at the same time.

no one has ever showed him love or affection before.

"how's your eye?" jimin asks as they walk to taehyungs art room, spotting a few paintings and drawings around the house on the way.

"it's healing. don't worry about me."

"but i do." jimin mumbles, looking down at the floor only to feel taehyungs fingers surface underneath his chin, lifting his face up so he was inches away from taehyungs.

taehyung looks into jimins eyes for a few seconds, before he smiles.

"your cute." taehyung says, grinning playfully as he opens the door to his art room.

jimin loves it in taehyungs art room - he wishes he had one of his own. the smell of paint drifted permanently in the air, a few paintbrushes and pencils scattered across the floor.

"sorry it's a mess." taehyung apologises from behind jimin, his hot breath hitting the nape of his neck.

jimin doesn't say anything, not that he didn't want to but he was too entranced in taehyungs new art works, until one piece caught his eye.

"i-is that me?" jimin blushes, cheeks reddening crimson as he walks over to a poorly hidden sketch of jimins face on a canvas, ready to be painted.

there were numerous sketches of jimins features on cartridge paper, eyes, lips, nose and   body.

"you weren't supposed to see them." taehyung admits, standing in front of jimin to block his view.

"they're beautiful."

"now do you finally see how beautiful you are?"

suicidal | kth + pjm Where stories live. Discover now