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"love me till i'm me again

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"love me till i'm me again."
jimin grabs his text book from his locker. today, jimin felt nothing. he didn't feel sad, and he didn't feel happy. he felt nothing.

mentally, he felt nothing. though his body burned with every touch and his brittle legs were having trouble supporting his weight.

suddenly jimin feels a warm chest press up against his back, his breath hitches in his throat at the familiar feeling of warm puffs of air being blown against his nape.

shutting his locker he turns around to be met with taehyung. the tanned male lightly smiles, crossing his arms and leaning against one of the lockers next to jimins.


taehyung spoke, breaking the silence. his eyes trailed down to jimins lips, eyeing the small cut layering the skin. the bruises which jimins shirt revealed were now a deep purple and taehyungs eyes harden in anger.

muttering something under his breath jimin squeaked as taehyung grabbed his hand, "follow me."

jimin followed taehyung into the bathroom - not that he had a choice. his heart thumped against his chest, taehyungs fingers were mere centimetres away from the cuts littering his wrist.

taehyung lightly pressed jimin to the wall, stepping back once seeing the scared look in jimins eyes.

neither of them spoke, jimin kept his eyes trained to taehyungs torn sneakers the boy seemed to wear everywhere.

taehyung sighs deeply before eyeing jimins wrists, his heart dropping to his stomach at the state of the broken blonde.

quickly hiding his wrists behind his back jimins eyes glaze over with tears, feeling smaller than usual under taehyungs stare.

"come here."

taehyung whispers, pulling the now shaking boy into his chest. jimin finally breaks, painful sobs leave his lips as he cries into a warm chest, his tears wetting the white fabric but taehyung doesn't mind, the only thing that matters to him right now is jimin.

taehyung runs his fingers through brittle hair, gently whispering calming things into jimins ear as the boy was now having a panic attack.

"shh, calm down. i'm here." 

taehyung waited until jimins sobs had turned into small hiccups, stepping back jimin let out a scared whimper at the move, clinging tighter onto taehyungs school shirt.

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