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"you save everyone but who saves you?"------

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"you save everyone but who saves you?"

jimins shaking legs carry him towards the school gates, his foot steps being mirrored by a familiar brown haired boy behind him.

coming to an abrupt stop jimin stopped walking, and at the same time so did the footsteps behind him.

jimin spun around on his heels, the air was thick and heavy, "w-what do you want? are you following me so you can beat me up when we are out of sight?" he tiredly spits. his eyes cloud over with a layer of sadness, his clothes still wet with milk – thinning the strands of his hair and leaving a pungent smell to linger off each of his joints.

taehyung doesn't respond, his gaze dropping to the floor where his foot timidly kicks against the concrete the two stood beneath.

standing frozen for a second jimin let's out a light sneeze, the harsh cold winds burning the insides of his nose and he's decided he's had enough. turning around in the opposite direction jimin tiredly walks away, a feeling of slight subconscious disappointment invading his senses as the footsteps which were once following had stopped.

quickly making his way home jimin gulped, his slim fingers playing nervously with the hem of his stricken wet shirt – his parents were going to be revolted at the sight of him.

his head suddenly feels hot, the familiar gnawing of anxiety eats away at his stomach and it has jimin pausing to take a deep breath until he can once again carry on walking.

the cold metal from the door knob sends shivers down jimins spine as he opens his front door with much difficulty, placing his bag down next to his old worn out school shoes he steps into the kitchen, eyes laying upon his mother who had busied herself with a book.

jimins cheeks reddened at the disgusted look on his mother's face - jimin guesses its from the smell - and he gulps thickly.

"jimin? what happened to you?" she asked with hesitance laced in between each syllable, face scrunching up in judgement.

jimins throat constricts and he's choking down his words, keeping quiet. staring down at the floor jimin felt too ashamed to meet her eyes.

"go upstairs and have a wash before your father sees you like this." she snapped, placing down the book which was now long forgotten on the marble counter.

nodding his head quickly jimins frail legs carry him up the stairs, running into his bedroom and slamming the door shut.

dropping to the floor his eyes stung with fresh tears as they rolled down his pale cheeks, his body shaking with every sob that ripped through his throat.

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