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i'd like to thank everyone for reading my story
and sticking with me through

i'm really sad this story has come to an end
but i had such fun writing it and
i appreciate everyone who commented voted
and has just read. i appreciate you all.

although i'm still
going to be updating some stories
on wattpad, i'm going to be posting
new ones on AO3 as well.

i hope everyone's doing well, ive been feeling
very bad again and everything's
just going really down hill and i'm scared for the future but

i'm happy i know i have at least a few people who
care about me and would maybe notice if i wasn't here:(

i just don't know how much more of this i
can take of feeling alone

i'm sorry, i hope you enjoyed SUICIDAL.
if anyone wants to talk about anything
i'm always here

suicidal | kth + pjm Where stories live. Discover now