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jimin slides his hand against taehyungs, shyly interwinding their fingers.

jimins tummy feels warm and full with all the food taehyung had spoiled him with, and jimins would be lying if he said he didn't want to kiss taehyung each time his eyes shone with adoration.

walking slowly taehyung gently squeezes jimins hand, biting back a remark as he eyes his lovers flustered features – jimins gaze skims over the tightness of taehyungs shirt hugging his biceps and the tight fit of his jeans.

taehyung notices, but bites his tongue.

jimin feels his cheeks warm, a sudden burning desire sets deep within his chest and soon the feeling of taehyungs hand against his own isn't enough.

jimin hides his face, letting go of taehyungs hand reluctantly to step inside of the car, vision hindered slightly by fallen strands of his blonde hair.

taehyung sits slumped back in the drivers seat, hooded eyes focused on every single part of jimins body apart from his face - and jimin guesses it's because he's tired.

he hears taehyung breathe deeply, timid eyes looking up to meet with taehyungs own dark ones, drifting between staring at jimins lips and the red adorning his cheeks.

jimin runs his tongue along his bottom lip, eyeing the seductive curve of taehyungs mouth until he's leaning forwards and closing the space between them.

he kisses taehyung deeply, his small fingers clenching the right fabric of taehyungs shirt, pulling him closer.

taehyungs breath hitches, a deep chuckle manages to rip through his throat which was quickly silenced by jimins neediness and wandering hands. jimin presses hot open mouthed kisses across taehyung jaw, body attempting to move messily across onto taehyungs lap until he was stopped by a strong yet careful hand.

"baby, stop-" taehyung says, feeling jimins grip on his shirt loosen as he moves to grab jimins wrist with a strong grip.

jimin lets out what sounds like to taehyung a whine, lips parted and slick with spit. he watches taehyung with hooded eyes filled with want, and taehyungs sure he looks the same as well.

taehyung lifts jimins hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss against the smooth skin before whispering promising words which make jimins legs shiver in anticipation.

when the night comes, it's cold. but jimin feels his body burn hot each time taehyungs fingers rub the inners of his thigh, gripping and rubbing soothingly across the expanse of his leg whilst his other hand clutches the steering wheel, eyes concentrated on the road ahead.

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