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jimin feels anxious today – like he has the past few weeks. the sound of his and jeongguks footsteps against the pavement floor are drowned out by the rushed voices of happiness and sadness surrounding him as they leave through the school gates.

jeongguk walks idly next to jimin, his slim fingers shoved deep into his pockets as he complains about his psychology teacher, yet jimin can't seem to concentrate on anything but his shaking hands.

jimins not sure how he missed it, but as he turns his head to his right his eyes skim over a small scar grazing jeongguks cheek – small yet beautiful and jimin makes a mental note to ask him how he got it later.

he finds himself staring at jeongguks features, his perfectly sculpted nose and sharp jawline has jimin hating his own features.

he bites his lip, attempting to dig out everything wrong with him which was preventing him from being good enough. maybe if he was eating less he could look as good as jeongguk.

and maybe then he would be good enough for taehyung.

"hey, watch out-" jeongguk mumbles, fingers barely grasping around jimins arm to pull him away in time from bumping into someone.

jimins unsteady feet carry on walking until a harsh bump to his shoulder jolts him out of his trance, jeongguks hands gripping his arm gently as he's now suddenly reminded of the tears brimming the corners of his eyes.

"watch where you're going." the voice spat, making jimins peripheral vision blurry. the boy grips jimins collar, scrunching it in his fist as he shakes his body slightly.

"now, let's not get out of hand, yeah?" jeongguk tuts, harshly grabbing the males hand and forcing him to release jimins collar, teeth clenched.

jimin stumbles back, shaking fingers gripping the hem of his shirt as his bottom lip trembles. he glances at jeongguks face, an unamused yet borderline angry look painting his features as he shoves the boy away.

jimin can see a pair of shoes walk past him from where he's staring at the concrete, and jimin breathes out a sigh of relief at the boy's smart choice of waking away. if anyone had a brain they knew not to piss off jeongguk.

"hey, you okay?" jeongguk asks softly, gently brushing jimins hair out of his forehead.

jimin nods his head, snivelling in the process as he manages to smile weakly at jeongguk. jeongguk returns the smile, teeth on display as he gently grips jimins wrist, walking along with him.

jimin was thankful for jeongguk. usually taehyung would walk home with him, but taehyung had found himself in detention and to apologise had littered jimins blushing face with light kisses, trailing across his jaw and along his forehead.

a comfortable silence surrounds them as the cold air threads it's way in between the locks of each boy's hair, and jimin finds himself wanting to be pressed against taehyungs warm embrace more than anything right now.

jimin tears his eyes away from his torn sneakers, glancing up to see his house come into view.

he felt bad for making jeongguk walk him home, but the younger had persisted.

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