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"nobody wants me and i don'twant me either

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"nobody wants me and i don't
want me either."
jimin stared out of the window, ignoring all of the students walking into the classroom.

drowning out the now present teachers voice coming from the front of the classroom his fingers itched nervously at his sides.

soon the door opened, jimin could see from the corner of his eye someone walk in and take place next to the teacher.

"class, we have a new student."

as this, jimin finally looked towards the front of the room. there stood a boy with dark brown hair which matched his eye colour, an expressionless look on his face.

"my name is kim taehyung."

jimin shuddered slightly, his voice coming out deeper than what jimin would have imagined it to be.

luckily, jimin went to an all boy school, which benefitted his situation only the slightest as his previous school was filled to the brim with girls who always had a bad thing to say about him.

after hearing the boys name jimin looked towards the window once again, unaware of a pair of eyes which skimmed past everyone in the class, yet stopped once they landed on him.

smiling a lopsided smile taehyung made his way over towards the back of the classroom. jimins head tilted to the side as he noticed someone walking towards him, gulping thickly.

taehyung walked straight past him, sitting down at a desk situated right behind jimin, loudly scraping his chair against the floor in the process.

focusing his gaze on his desk jimin didn't look up once, feeling nervous as he usually never had someone sit behind him.

fiddling with a pencil in his hands jimin flinched slightly as a piece of scrunched up paper hit the back of his head. slowly turning around in his seat he clenched his fist to stop them from shaking.

taehyung stared at him with dark eyes, gesturing with his hands towards the floor where the paper ball was.

hesitantly bending down to pick up the paper jimin let out a shaky breath, already feeling a stinging sensation around the back of his eyes.

the last time he had gotten a note like this was sometime telling him he was a fag.

opening up the crumbled paper jimins face immediately reddened.


jimin lips parted, eyes glued to the piece of paper infront of him. still looking at the paper jimin failed to notice the bell going, students quickly leaving the room to go to lunch.

jimin noticed in the corner of his eyes a group of boys walk up to him, one of them roughly placing a hand on jimins nape causing him to squeak quietly.

quickly shoving the piece of paper into his blazer jimins scared eyes looked up to meet those of his bully.

"let's go."

jimins collar was harshly grabbed, a boy much larger than him pulling him out of the classroom into the crowded hallway. struggling to keep up jimin stumbled whilst being dragged, nearly falling over face first.

"p-please no."

the boy scoffed, "what's that jiminie? do you like it when we call you that?"

jimin shook his head, struggling to find his breath as the grip on his collar tightened. entering the bathroom jimin let out a loud gasp of air when his collar was released, his feet quickly running into a cubicle and locking it.

sitting down on the toilet jimin bought his hands up to tightly cover his mouth, loud sobs threatening to escape his lips.

the door soon started shaking, the group of bullies harshly kicking at the cubicle door. jimin could feel himself shaking, he's scared, he doesn't want to be here.

jimin could hear them talking, looking at the floor he could see from the gap underneath the door and the floor around 4 boys — his usual tormentors which made his life a living hell.

it was silent, removing his hands from covering his mouth jimin looked towards the ceiling, only to be met with a carton of milk being spilt over his head.

milk quickly drenched his school uniform, his hair now wet accompanied by an awful smell. jimin hated milk.

a small whimper left his lips, looking down at his school shirt which was now covered in the white substance. looking to his side jimin mentally cursed, there was no toilet paper he could clean himself with.

after an array of curse words and insults which left jimins head spinning it was finally silent. hesitantly opening the door he released a breath he didn't know he was holding in, he was alone.

looking into the mirror jimin gritted his
teeth.  a mix of milk and tears littered his red cheeks whilst his clothes hung to his skin. he felt pathetic, but maybe after all this, he deserved it.

walking over to another cubicle to grab tissue paper jimin froze momentarily hearing the bathroom door open. quickly hiding in the cubicle once again jimin kept as quiet as possible, his heart thumping against his chest harshly.

the person walked towards the stall where jimin was, the tip of there shoes showing from underneath the door.

jimin could hear them knock lightly on the door, but chose not to answer incase it was another one of his bullies.

after a few seconds of silence the person knocked again, this time louder and harsher.

"i won't hurt you, come out."

jimins throat hurt from trying to keep his cries to himself, until finally he let a scared cry slip past his lips. his chest shook with every sob that left his mouth, he didn't care who heard him cry anymore.

"g-go away."

jimin could hear the person sigh.

"i'm not leaving until i know you're okay."

jimins eyes widened slightly at the persons response, this hadn't happened before — no one had cared about him here before.

taking a deep breath jimin slowly unlocked the door, opening it up to reveal the new student from earlier, taehyung.

jimins cheeks grew red out of embarrassment, his scared eyes meeting taehyungs own. his facial expression hadn't changed from earlier — he looked bored and somewhat angry.

his eyes raked over jimins body, noticing his drenched uniform and wet hair before sighing, digging his hands into his pockets.

"look at you." taehyung deeply spoke, pulling out a packet of tissues from his pocket before gently wiping jimins face covered in dots of milk clean.

jimin hung his head, staring at the floor. His now clean face soon covered in fat tears which rolled down his cheeks.

"stop crying, pretty boys like you shouldn't cry."

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