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"my lungs are clouded with self hatred and i can't breathe

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"my lungs are clouded with self hatred and i can't breathe."
jimin cradles his head in his hands, the floor feels cool against his cheeks but it doesn't distract him from the foot continuously nudging into his gut.

a pained cry leaves his split lip as his jaw pulsed from a sudden kick, tears wetting his cheeks as he felt a strong kick to his stomach knock all of he air out of him.

tilting his head to the side jimin coughed roughly, the tips of shoes nudging deeply into his stomach which made him gag profusely.

feeling like he was about to be sick he dry heaved, thick liquid dribbles down his chin which burns his lips and stains the floor. jimin silently thanked himself for not eating his lunch earlier, the only thing leaving his lips was the bitter taste of stomach acid and bile.

"p-please s-stop."

jimin whimpers, his body curling in on itself as the searing pain suddenly became too much for his small figure to handle.

jimin sighed in relief as he felt the kicks come to a stop, yet regretted opening his eyes as he was roughly dragged up by the length of his hair to receive one final kick to the corner of his mouth.

screaming out in pain jimin clammed a hand over his mouth, the metallic taste of blood staining his cheeks and imprinting itself onto his tongue as blood dropped down from his lips onto his chin.

jimins head was roughly thrown to the side, landing painfully against the floor. the sound of rushed footsteps and a door closing made jimin cry out in relief, they had finally left - the now deafening silence aiding with the unbearable pain setting in each of his joints.

jimin winces as he attempts to stand up, the strong smell of blood making his eyes water. glancing at his reflection jimin almost bursts into tears, his stomach burned whenever the fabric of his shirt touched the bruised skin and the white had stains of crimson red painting the collar.

shakily his hands turn on the faucet, splashing cold water onto his face to wash away the blood tainting his lips and forehead.

lifting his head up jimin grimaces at his reflection. the blood had disappeared, but the bruises accompanying his temple and underneath his clothes he would have to let time heal.

jimin couldn't remember the last time he had gotten a beating that bad before. he stands there for a while, his right leg shaking almost violently at a particularly harsh kick it had received.

above all the pain, an unbearable sadness deepens in jimins chest, his face converting into one of pain as a broken sob leaves his lips. his cries echo throughout the bathroom, and he couldn't care less who walked in on him.

wiping his eyes with the back of his hand jimin exited the bathroom, picking up his bag which had been previously thrown to the floor.

he doesn't have any lessons now, and although jimin wants to be happy about it, he couldn't. all he wanted was to curl up in his bed and drift off into a never ending sleep.

jimin struggles to leave the school grounds, his right leg causing him to limp in agony with each step. the cold air gently blows the blooded hair out of jimins face. leaving the school grounds his head snaps to the side upon hearing a familiar deep voice.

taehyung had his back turned against him, an unfamiliar person saying something to taehyung that jimin couldn't quite make out.

he stands still for a few seconds unable to move, until the male glances over towards jimin and frowns - jimin can only guess it's because of the blooded state he's in.

jimin quickly adverts his gaze, but can now feel a pair of familiar warm eyes swallowing his figure and jimin curses under his breath.

there's a small smile on taehyungs lips, but it's quickly replaced with a frown seeing the blood on jimins shirt and the unnatural limp he didn't posses this morning.

jimin gulped thickly, turning around with all his strength and walking away as fast as he could. he didn't want taehyung to see him like this, he was disgusting.

taehyungs eyes hardened, running after the limping boy.

"what happened to you?"

"go away." jimin spat, his weak mental state and vulnerability making him scared and frightened. taehyung wasn't a threat, but right now jimin was unable to trust anyone.

"p-please leave me alone, i-i'm so

jimin whimpers, his body backing up against the brick wall behind him. taehyung looks at him in sadness, seeing jimin in this state makes his throat tighten and chest hurt.

"you're hurt, you can't take care of yourself like this-"

"shut up!" jimin cried out, ignoring the flash of hurt in taehyungs eyes before pushing himself from the wall and walking down the street, ignoring taehyungs shouts.

his weak legs ran as fast as they could — the harsh blowing of winds made him momentarily forget about the pain in his leg.

his vision blurred as he roughly dragged the back of his sleeve against his watering eyes, lips quivering at the freezing cold weather — his now soaking wet clothes clinging onto the outline of his body, highlighting the purple and blue bruises.

entering his house jimin slams the front door shut, the only sound throughout the house was his heavy breathing and jimin thanked profusely that he was home alone.

his fingers itch in anticipation as he entered his bathroom, eyes purposely avoiding his reflection in the mirror.

dilated eyes quickly searched around the room, his hands ripping open the cabnet door as he searched for — he didn't know what he was searching for until his eyes lay upon the small pretty silver rectangular object.

eyes glistening at the sight he gripped it in between his fingers, not minding how it cut open the tips of his soft fingers in the process.

jimins bottom lip trembled in fear, a pained gasp soon left his plump lips as the razor dented into his wrist, blood slowly seeping from the cut to paint his hand and fingertips red.

he stumbled back against the wall, his head spinning as all he could think of at the moment was how big of a fucking failure he was.

jimin could control this pain, he could control the crimson blood dripping from his fingertips and onto the bathroom floor. he was the one holding the razor.

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